Astral Projections – Doran’enok for Star Wars Saga Edition

©2014 & TM Lucasfilm Ltd.

Millennia ago, the doran’enoks evolved on Arda I, a desert world which had once been very geo-thermically active, evidenced by the immense caverns beneath the sand and rock. Doran’enoks have good senses, notably scent and an odd sensitivity to some electro-magnetic frequencies. Only semi-sentient, they still managed to advance to a tribal stage, banding together and flying from their underground cavern nests to hunt. Once the Sith discovered them, the tribes were hunted and captured to be used as shock troops in the various Sith conflicts. By the time of the Galactic Civil War, the doran’enoks have been forgotten, even more than their erstwhile Sith masters. It’s no wonder that neither the Imperials nor the Alliance came across them, since for some unknown reason, the few remaining doran’enok flocks went dormant in the caverns where they nested. But parties checking out Arda I–Rebels, pirates, or smugglers seeking a base/safe world; Imperials seeking crimials and traitors; or even archeologists or other scientists–might disturb their long, long slumber…

Design & Play Notes: Doran’enoks appeared in the FFG Star Wars RPG adventure book Onslaught at Arda I. This Star Wars Saga Edition (SWSE) version can be used on any hot, cavern-pocked desert world, particularly in sectors where the Sith once held sway. Or maybe are still active, if your campaign is set in the Tales of the Jedi or Old Republic eras.

As usual, this conversion is more holistic than point-by-point. Only mechanics from the SWSE core book (SECR) were used, including the Beast creation rules on pp. 273-275. Even though the species is considered semi-sentient, FFG SWRPG treats them as Beasts and I have done the same here.

I did select the Bantha Rush Feat (SECR, p. 82) as being close to the Knockback Claws weapon quality from the Arda statblock. The Fly speed might seem high, but in Arda, doran’enoks are capable of tangling in atmosphere with the party’s starting Lambda shuttle or Y-wing flight. So I used 16 squares, the non-starship scale SWSE Y-wing Fly speed (SECR, p. 178). Finally, the doran’enok sensitivity to electronic signals, while I could have developed mechanics for, can easily be treated as a plot device, as in the source material.

Medium Subterranean Beast 6      CL 5
Initiative: +8; Senses: Darkvision, Perception +6

Defenses: Reflex=18* (flatfooted=14*) Fortitude=12 Will =11
*includes Natural Armor +4
HP: 40      Damage Threshold: 12

Speed: Run 6 squares; Fly 16 squares
Melee: 2 Claws +7 (1d4+6)
Fighting Space: 1 square; Reach: 1 square
BAB +4; Grapple +8

Abilities: STR 15, DEX 18, CON 15, INT 1, WIS 12, CHA 5
Feats: Bantha Rush, Skill Training (Initiative, Survival)
Skills: Initiative +9, Perception +6, Survival +6

Subterranean: May reroll Perception checks but must keep the second result even if it is worse; darkvision.

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at