Astral Projections – The Miser Brothers for Toon

(Rankin-Bass, ABC)

We in the Northern Hemisphere tend to forget this Fun Fact – Christmas and the rest of the so-called “Winter Holidays” are celebrated in the Middle of Summer by all those good folks in the Southern Hemisphere! As a fun reminder this Christmas week, I give you Toon RPG stats for the One & Only Heat Miser, from The Year Without a Santa Claus, yet another blast from my past of silly Christmas TV specials. I have also invited his brother, the One & Only Snow Miser, to the party.


Occupation: Controller of Heat & Hot Weather
Description: A stocky giant – but shorter than his brother Snow Miser – with pointed ears. Heat Miser’s face is, oddly, more pale than flushed. His fiery red hair stands straight up and sometimes is fire. He wears a red top and yellow pants or leggings.

Natural Enemies: Santa Claus, Santa’s elves and reindeer, North Wind (big brother)

Beliefs & Goals:
(Goal) Keep the world hot-Hot-HOT!
(Goal) Thwart and show up Snow Miser.
Santa is unfair to me.
Mother (Nature) loves Snow Miser more.
I’m TERRIFIED of Mother Nature – & you should be too!

Hit Pts: 10

Muscle 2
Break Down Door 2
Climb 2
Fight 2
Pick Up Heavy Thing 2
Throw 2

Zip 4
Dodge 7
Drive 4
Fire Gun 8
Jump 6
Ride 4
Run 7
Swim 4

Smarts 2
Hide/Spot Hidden 3
Identify Dangerous Thing 4
Read 2
Resist Fast Talk 2
See/Hear/Smell 2
Set/Disarm Trap 4
Track/Cover Tracks 4

Chutzpah 5
Fast Talk 7
Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods 5
Sleight of Hand 5
Sneak 5

Schtick: He’s Mr. Green Christmas! (5pts) Melt things with fire or by touch

Boater Hat
Harmless flames
“Mini-me” Heat Miser minions
Photography reflectors/lights
Volcano Palace


Occupation: Controller of Cold & Winter Weather
Description: A gangly giant with pointed ears. His skin is white to icy-blue. His white hair and nose sport icicles. He wears a sparkly blue shirt, white leggings, blue and white knit scarf and matching gloves and slippers.

Natural Enemies: Heat-loving Creatures, Global Warming, North Wind (big brother)

Beliefs & Goals:
(Goal) Keep the world (& other things!) ICE COLD.
(Goal) Thwart and show up Heat Miser.
Mother (Nature) loves Heat Miser more.
I’m TERRIFIED of Mother Nature – & you should be too!

Hit Pts: 10

Muscle 2
Break Down Door 2
Climb 4
Fight 2
Pick Up Heavy Thing 2
Throw 3

Zip 4
Dodge 7
Drive 4
Fire Gun 6
Jump 8
Ride 4
Run 7
Swim 4

Smarts 2
Hide/Spot Hidden 3
Identify Dangerous Thing 4
Read 2
Resist Fast Talk 3
See/Hear/Smell 2
Set/Disarm Trap 2
Track/Cover Tracks 3

Chutzpah 5
Fast Talk 8
Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods 5
Sleight of Hand 6
Sneak 6

Schtick: He’s Mr. White Christmas! (5pts) Create cold special effects that can turn things to ice

Boater Hat
Handfuls of snowflakes
Ice Cane
Ice Palace
“Mini-me” Snow Miser minions
Pogo stick

Design & Play Notes: Just have fun! Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays (all of them) to you and yours!

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at