Rogue Champion- Marvel’s Voltron…?

With all of the IP’s that Disney has bought up in recent years, it wouldn’t surprise me to learn that one day Voltron is introduced into the MCU. The Lion’s pairing up with the Guardians of the Galaxy to fight some galactic threat. Then running into the Avengers and Tony Stark and Dr. Strange arguing over the mystical vs technological aspects of Voltron.

But that’s not what this article is about. Instead, what we’re talking about is the Champion’s strategy commonly referred to as “Voltroning.” The name comes from the process of taking an ordinary Ally and then merging it together with a bunch of upgrades to be greater than the sum of the parts. This has been possible to some extent for awhile but it was not until the release of Ant-Man and the ally upgrades that came in his pack that it took off.

What cards turn an ordinary mild-mannered ally into a force to be reckoned with?

  • Inspired (Core) (Leadership)- +1 Thwart/Attack
  • Enraged (Captain America) (Aggression)- +2 Attack, +1 Consequential Damage
  • Power Gloves (Ant-Man) (Leadership)- Requires Avenger- After Ally attacks or thwarts, deal one damage to an enemy
  • Reinforced Suit (Ant-Man) (Leadership)- +2 HP
  • Sky Cycle (Ant-Man) (Leadership)- Requires Avenger- Gains Aerial. Exhaust to ready Ally
  • Team Training (Ant-Man) (Leadership)- Each ally you control gains +1 HP
  • Honorary Avenger (Captain America) (Basic)- Ally gains Avenger trait and +1 HP

One of the balancing factors for allies has been their cost to play. Adding in the cost of upgrades further enhances that overall cost. The other major balancing factor is Consequential Damage. Most allies deal themselves a damage when they activate and use their basic Thwart or Attack. Their health becomes a timer for how many rounds of use you can get out of them. With a median health of three, most allies get two uses and then one chance to defend your hero before they are gone. For many allies, you’ll only get a little value out of the upgrades before they are discarded. An extra damage or two or one or two more uses out of the ally. Perfectly in line with the upgrades cost itself.

But for some allies, these cards work to lift them up to an exceptional power level.

  • Black Cat
    • Aspect: Spider-Man signature ally
    • Advantage:
      • She takes NO consequential damage when attacking! You can throw as many upgrades as you want on her and will continue to get value out of them
      • Power Gloves + Inspired + Sky Cycle results in 6 damage each round or 4 thwart and 2 damage
    • Disadvantage:
      • She is not an Avenger, meaning you’ll need to play Honorary Avenger first before you can play Power Gloves or Sky Cycle
  • Iron Man
    • Aspect: Leadership
    • Advantage:
      • Most upgrades don’t cost anything to play on him
      • Could last up to seven activations, dealing up to 28 damage
    • Disadvantage:
      • Costs four to play himself
      • To get maximum value, you have to be very lucky to have all the upgrades available after paying his high cost
  • Vision
    • Aspect: Leadership
    • Advantage:
      • Already has built in buffs to his attack/thwart
      • Could do six total damage twice each round. Could deal a total of 42 damage with him
    • Disadvantage
      • Need an energy resource each round to use his built in buff
      • Costs four to play himself
      • To get maximum value, you have to be very lucky to have all the upgrades available after paying his high cost
  •  Tigra
    • Aspect: Aggression
    • Advantage:
      • Heals a damage after killing a minion
      • This effectively negates her consequential damage
    • Disadvantage:
      • Her heal only happens if she kills something. She’s great against minion heavy villains but doesn’t do much to the villain itself
      • She is Aggression so the upgrades will need to come from another hero
  • Wong
    • Aspect: Dr. Strange signature ally
    • Advantage:
      • His special ability aids Dr. Strange and is an exhaust, meaning he can remain in play forever without hurting himself. Upgrades played on him therefore also persist
      • Sky Cycle allows him to activate twice, cycling the invocation deck or healing Dr. Strange twice
    • Disadvantage:
      • Is not an Avenger so you’ll need Honorary Avenger before you can play Sky Cycle
      • Most upgrades are of little use to him since he won’t be attacking or thwarting very often
  • Captain Marvel
    • Aspect: Spider-Woman signature ally
    • Advantage:
      • Her response ability lets you draw a card after she thwarts/attacks. With Sky Cycle that’s two bonus cards
    • Disadvantage:
      • Using Sky Cycle will kill her faster and she’s pricey at four cost
      • Unless you have Team Training out or can afford to give her Reinforced Suit at the same time as Sky Cylce, you’re only getting one round of use out of her
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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
Wayne is the managing editor of d20 Radio's Gaming Blog. He also writes Sci-fi, . If you enjoy his work, you can support him on Patreon.