Ink & Lyre is an RPG company started by husband and wife team Daniel and Lauren Hodges with a focus on both creating successful and entertaining live stream RPG shows on their Twitch as well as creating and supporting game masters with content and resources through Patreon support. The business currently has four different shows running on their Twitch channel including their flagship show, Fate’s End, a 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons set in a homebrew world which has been running weekly since September of 2020.

The Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria Kickstarter is an attempt for this team to bring the world that this campaign is set in to the rest of the world. This project launches on July 19th and the end product will be a new and unique campaign setting for DMs and players alike to explore. I got a chance to take a look at some preview material for the Kickstarter and I have to say – the stars are definitely right for this project.
Aroria is a realm that is suffused with magic. Innately magical ore called Meridium lies in veins under the earth that when processed can be used to transmute an object into something else. The gods themselves were mortal wizards who ascended after taking the power from the avatars now known as the Lost Gods. And the destinies of the heroes themselves are written in the stars – the circumstances of one’s birth and the position of the stars and the Sign they are born under arms them with gifts to make their mark on history as well as burdens they must carry.
The book itself is set to boast a lot of material including three new races such as the Feyfolk as well as a new subclass for each of the base classes (including the Artificer). The preview included looks at the gemstone focused Lapidary Artificer, the investigation focused Marshal Ranger and the Warlock of the Frozen. Also included are several gazetteer chapters that take a look at cities, locations, factions, and major NPCs in the realm. Also included is an chapter on the extensive astrology of the setting and how it impacts your character. The month that a character was born is only the start of it. And what would a setting book be without new monsters, magic items, and NPCs? Expect to see plenty of these.

The presentation of the preview is absolutely sensational with some beautiful art – I’ve included some shots throughout the article. No word on reward tiers or any planned stretch goals, but it won’t be long before you can see all of that for yourself. This preview has definitely piqued my interest and I would encourage you to check it out as well, especially if you’re looking for a homebrew campaign setting with an eye towards professional layout and solid writing.
You can click here to find the prelaunch page for this Kickstarter Campaign and get notified the moment it launches on July 19th. If you’re interested in learning more about the setting or checking out any of their other streams, you can find more about it here on their website along with links to other projects such as their Patreon.