For the process of building an Inquisitor see my other article entitled Inquisitive Design.
Name: First Mother, (possible true identity: Barris Offee)
Species: Mirialan
Gender: Female
Homeworld: Mirial
Height: 1.66 meters
Age: 35
Crimes Against the Galactic Republic and Rebel Alliance: Murder and torture of Republic and Alliance personnel, espionage, aiding Separatist forces, aiding Imperial forces.
Reward for Capture: 30,000 credits
Reward for Elimination: 15,000 credits (Visual and physical proof must be provided)
The Mirialan known as First Mother is reported to wear, what appears to be a simple black robe. However, upon closer inspection, a task that could be hazardous to one’s health, there are detailed geometric designs embroidered all across the fabric. She carries a red lightsaber, which she uses with deadly efficiency. She is very powerful and strong in the Force.
Personal Addendum – General Airen Cracken
“The existence of the target known as First Mother has been confirmed by multiple sources. The true identity of this target is another matter, and cannot be confirmed at this time. The most recent report of a group successfully returning from facing this target in person is almost a decade old. The group had just lost a close friend and ally during the encounter and therefore their testimony could be clouded by grief. Another source cited in the report, named only as Fulcrum, endured more than a month of intense torture and questioning regarding Alliance operations and fleet movements. As such, Fulcrum’s testimony to the true identity of this target could be skewed or compromised as well. Whatever the truth is behind this targets identity, extreme caution should be used if Alliance personnel ever encounter this target.”
First Mother (aka Barriss Offee) [Nemesis]
Brawn: 3
Agility: 3
Intellect 2
Cunning 4
Willpower 5
Presence 3
Soak: 5
Defense M/R: 1/1
Wound Threshold: 23
Strain Threshold: 25
Skills: Coercion [Will] 2, Discipline [Will] 3, Knowledge (All) [Int] 2, Leadership [Pr] 4, Lightsaber [Will] 4, Melee [Br] 3, Perception [Cun] 2, Piloting (Space) [Ag] 1, Ranged (Light) [Ag] 2, Vigilance [Will] 2
Talents: Force Rating 3, Adversary 3 (Upgrade the difficulty of all combat checks against this target three times.), Drive Back (The Inquisitor may spend 1 Triumph or 3 Advantage on a missed Brawl, Melee, or Lightsaber combat check to force his target to make a move maneuver in a direction of the Inquisitors choice.), Lethal Blows 2 (The Inquisitor adds +20 to any Critical Injury rolls inflicted on opponents.), Parry 4 & Reflect 4 (When struck by a melee or ranged attack but before applying soak, the Inquisitor may perform Parry or Reflect as an out-of-turn incidental as long as she is wielding a lightsaber. She reduces the damage by 6.), Scathing Tirade (Improved) (The Inquisitor may take the Scathing Tirade action, making an Average Coercion check. For each Success, one enemy within short range suffers 1 strain and 1 Setback die on all skill checks for a number of 2 rounds. The Inquisitor may spend Advantage; for every Advantage spent, one target already affected suffers 1 additional strain.)
Abilities: Lightsaber Mastery (The Inquisitor uses Willpower instead of Brawn when making a Lightsaber skill check.), Imperial Valor (The Inquisitor may perform a maneuver to cause all ranged attacks targeting her to instead hit one ally or helpless enemy she is engaged with until the beginning of this next turn.), Terrifying (At the beginning of the encounter, each of the Inquisitor’s enemies must make a Hard fear check (see page 326 of the Force and Destiny Core Rulebook).), Force Power: Unleash (The Inquisitor makes a Force power check targeting one enemy at short range, and rolls a ranged attack as part of the pool, using an Average Discipline check instead of normal difficulty. If the check is successful and generates 2 Force pips, the attack deals damage equal to the Inquisitor’s Willpower with a critical rating of 4, dealing 1 additional damage per Success. The Inquisitor may spend 1 Force pip to increase the range by one range band, may spend 1 Force pip to affect one additional target within range, and may spend 1 Force pip to cause the attack to deal 3 additional damage (she may activate all of these upgrades multiple times).), Force Power: Move (The Inquisitor may spend 1 Force pip to move one silhouette 0 object within short range to another location within short range. She may spend 1 Force pip to increase the range of the power by one band, spend 1 Force pip to increase the silhouette of the object she can move by 1, and spend 1 Force pip to increase the number of objects she moves at one time by 2 (she may activate all of these upgrades multiple times). Finally, she may hurl objects at opponents by making a Force power check and rolling a ranged attack as part of the pool. The attack’s difficulties equal to the silhouette of the object being thrown instead of the normal difficulty for ranged attack, and only succeeds if the user can also spend enough Force pips to move the object. The attack deals damage equal to the silhouette of the object times ten (silhouette 0 objects deal 5 damage) plus one per Success. If the Inquisitor wants to throw multiple objects, she must generate enough Force pips to move multiple objects, and must use the rules for Auto-fire to determine difficulty and targeting.), Enhanced Nemesis Combat (the GM should add an additional NPC Initiative slot at the end of the Initiative order. The nemesis may take a second turn during the same round in this slot. Any effects that are supposed to end during his next turn end instead during his next turn in the following round. This allows the nemesis to keep up with the PCs even if they have greater numbers).
Equipment: Lightsaber (Lightsaber; Damage 6; Critical 2; Range [Engaged]; Breach 1, Sunder), Heavy Blaster Pistol (Ranged [Light]; Damage 7; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun setting), Armored Robes (+1 Defense, +2 Soak)
Behind the Screen: First Mother Backstory
Fleeing arrest by the Jedi Order, after a failed attempt to frame fellow padawan Ahsoka Tano, Barriss Offee fled to the Outer Rim. There she stayed in hiding while the Clone Wars continued. She was eventually approached by a representative of Darth Sidious. After a series of talks she finally agreed to meet with Sidious. She was shocked to see the Supreme Chancellor. He spun a tale of how the Jedi had started to manipulate Galactic Politics and steer the Galaxy towards a chaotic spiral. Palpatine claimed that he wanted to end the Clone Wars and bring order and peace to the Galaxy once again, and that the Jedi had been blocking his progress in trying to end the conflict.
While she was suspicious, Palpatine was able to sprinkle in just enough facts to cloud the padawan’s perception and convince her to work with him behind the scenes. By the time Order 66 was enacted Barriss was so far fallen that she didn’t bat an eye or shed a tear for any of her former friends and mentors. Palpatine and Vader had one final test for Barriss. She was to lead an operation to capture her former Master, Luminara Unduli. She completed this assignment with efficiency and cunning. Later she helped to break the will of one of the Temple guards and convert him to the Dark Side. As a reward Barriss was given the title First Mother and placed in charge of the Training and Indoctrination regiment of the Inquisitorius and its acolytes.
Besides the excitement of introducing this character… I really enjoy the twist of Barriss and what that will do in a Rebels game. Good stuff thanks Wes!