Rogue Squadron: Tough Freighters

Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the low down on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly…

All Wings Report In

yt1300YT-1300 “Chewbacca”  (Millenium Falcon Expansion) (51 pts)

When you are dealt a faceup Damage card, immediately flip it facedown (without resolving its ability).

  • Title Millenium Falcon (Millenium Falcon Expansion): Your action bar gains the evade action icon.
  • Elite Pilot Talent- Push the Limits (A-wing/Imperial Aces Expansion): Once per round, after you perform an action, you may perform 1 free action shown in your action bar. Then receive 1 stress token.
  • Crew- Jan Ors (Rebel Aces Expansion)- Once per round, when a friendly ship at Range 1-3 performs a focus action or would be assigned a focus token, you may assign it an evade token instead.
  • Crew- Kyle Katarn (Rebel Aces Expansion)- After you remove a stress token from your ship, you may assign a focus token to your ship.

yt2400YT-2400 “Leebo”  (YT-2400 Expansion) (47 pts)

When you are dealt a faceup Damage card, draw 1 additional Damage card, choose 1 to resolve, and discard the other.

  • Title Outrider (YT-2400 Expansion): While you have a Cannon Upgrade card equipped, you cannot perform primary weapon attacks and you may perform Cannon secondary weapon attacks against ships outside your firing arc.
  • Elite Pilot Talent- Determination (Core/TIE Fighter Expansion): When you are dealt a faceup Damage card with the Pilot trait, discard it immediately without resolving its effect.
  • Cannon- Mangler Cannon (IG-2000/M3-A Expansion)- Attack (3, range 1-3): Attack 1 ship. When attacking, you may change 1 of your results to a critical result.
  • Crew- Recon Specialist (HWK-290/TIE Phantom Expansions- When you perform a focus action, assign 1 additional focus token to your ship.


Lock S-Foils in Attack Position

This squadron is all about survivability. Chewie and Leebo (especially with Determination) are two of the toughest ships to take down, as they are effectively immune to criticals. The only way for Chewie to get a crit is from Rexler Brath. Leebo has decent odds of drawing a Pilot based crit and being able to ignore it.

Your goal is to fly slow and make your enemy come to you. You have turrets so they can come at you from any angle and you don’t care. Hug the edge of the board at first so those fast interceptors with autothrusters are limited in where they can after they do get in range.

Once they engage, Chewie turtles up by target locking, using Push and Millenium Falcon to evade and when you clear the stress from PTL, Kyle will give you a focus. If Chewie is the primary target, use Jan to turn that Focus into another evade. That gives you two guaranteed misses per turn, plus whatever ones Chewie is lucky enough to roll.If Leebo is the primary target, Jan can turn one of the two Focus he receives into a Evade.

Leebo should try to stay at range and maybe do a little arc dodging. He’s got a Mangler cannon so is happy firing from range 3. Though he’s only PS5, he can still barrel roll into some good positions. With two focus (or a focus and evade) and two agility he is actually reasonably difficult to hit.

I flew this list in a small 8 person tournament recently and pulled out a win without losing a ship all day. There was a variation on Panic Attack there that I didn’t end up playing, though if I had it would have given me trouble.  While Chewie can still get a focus(or evade) every turn he takes a green thanks to Kyle, piling stress on him still really weakens the build and it really messes Leebo up.



There are a few variations you can try with this build, centered mostly on the crew you take. For a more offensive build, you can give Chewie a Gunner and Leebo either Han Solo or Dash Rendar. Chewie can stick with Kyle so he can get a TL + Focus + Evade each turn or he can switch out for C-3P0. With a Gunner he’ll have a nice second chance in the event of a miss.

Leebo’s choices hinge on if you want to use him to flank, and therefore fly around in the rocks not caring if he lands on one because of Dash, or if you want him to hit more reliably. With Han Solo he can take a Target Lock and use it for rerolls or changing focus to hits depending on what he rolls.

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Wayne Basta

Editor-in-Chief at d20 Radio
Wayne is the managing editor of d20 Radio's Gaming Blog. He also writes Sci-fi, . If you enjoy his work, you can support him on Patreon.

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