Many moons ago, I did a simple interview with Kevin Glusing of Samurai Sheepdog on the Tessera Guild. Kevin reached out and asked if I’d talk to Steven Rasheed James about his Kickstarter for Lands of Theia. I was intrigued by the setting, its support of three systems, and Steven’s thoughts on representation from RPG publishers.
EGG EMBRY (EGG): Steven, thanks for taking the time to talk with me. You have a new RPG setting on Kickstarter, what is Lands of Theia about?
STEVEN RASHEED JAMES (STEVEN): Lands of Theia is a new campaign setting that takes place in a world I’ve been creating since I was a kid. There’s a lot of different adventures that can take place in the countries of Theia. It’s really a place that players and gamemasters can sink their teeth into and explore something new while at the same time using the rulesets that they’re comfortable with.
EGG: What sets your campaign setting apart from the other worlds players can game in?
STEVEN: There are different types of adventures that can be played in Theia. Each country has different themes that you can play through, steampunk, gothic horror, jungle adventure, etc. There’s also a cohesion between the countries that makes the world of Theia feel like an evolving story from one area to the next. You really are a pioneer in this world, where not only are the players and gamemaster experiencing it for the first time, but many of the characters and beings within the world itself are discovering things for the first time. In this way, I wanted to create a feeling of importance and wonder no matter what quest you’re on.
EGG: You’re past your funding goal and into stretch goals, which stretch goals are you most excited to unlock?
STEVEN: The goal we’re about to unlock, man, (the $5,000 goal), haha, the classes. Ever since I was young, I’ve always loved the mechanics behind the classes and the options for customizing them, so I’m very excited to bring more of that special something that helps players to create the adventurer they visualize in their heads.
EGG: What’s already completed for this project? What still needs to be created?
STEVEN: The Pathfinder 1st edition version is already completed,we’re just updating it with more art thanks to the kickstarter’s funding. Kevin is working on the 5E and Pathfinder 2nd edition conversions and they should be ready by end of November at the latest.
EGG: Supporting three systems – Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition, Pathfinder 1e, and 2e – is ambitious. Why support the big OGLs?
STEVEN: Honestly, Kevin gave me the idea. I’m very used to the Pathfinder 1st edition ruleset and originally was only thinking about that, but when Kevin showed me a mockup of my Theian gladiator class for 5e, I was kind of hooked. I thought that there are a lot of players out there and it’d be cool to make something for all of them. Haha.
EGG: Are their more Lands of Theia project planned? Will those projects support all three systems?
STEVEN: Oh, absolutely that’s the plan, I have so many ideas already written out, from future classes, archetypes, adventures, you name it. As long as fans continue to support the projects then we’ll continue to make them for all three editions. I’m looking forward to doing so.
EGG: You have PWYW previews of this campaign setting at DriveThruRPG: LoT – Kickstarter Preview Kit for Pathfinder, 5e, and Pathfinder 2e. There’s one for each system, correct? What can fans expect in the previews?
STEVEN: There is one for each of the three editions, actually. They have early preview information that we shared with backers on the Kickstarter itself, such as races, classes, and world information. For us, they functioned as another outlet to get the word out about the Kickstarter.
EGG: Who is working on this project with you?
STEVEN: Kevin handles the publication, advertisement, editing, and even helps with balance too. We also added my versions of a couple of his classes (the necromancer, dragon speaker, and whatever class we unlock at $5,000) to Lands of Theia (I hate to play favorites, but I really hope it’s the astrologer). Satoshi is our primary artist for the races and classes (his work is phenomenal). Kevin also grabbed some really nice stock art to fill in the rest of the book from DriveThruRPG, and even commissioned some additional, awesome art from Brett Neufeld and Bonnie Graves for the Kickstarter. I really appreciate everybody’s attention to detail and how they help bring my world to life.
EGG: What inspired you to create Lands of Theia?
STEVEN: Like a lot of DMs, I was stuck running games from a young age. But I had a really overactive imagination, and my players really liked how I brought the world to life. Over time, they started asking me, “Is this adventure going to take place in that country, or that world?” And I realized that they really liked the stories that I was creating. So I started writing them down. I ended up with such a huge collection that they really became their own world. When I put them all together, everything just fell into place, haha. You know, with support and love from my family, I sought out to turn my idea into a book/campaign, and things have really just kinda fallen in line for me since.
EGG: I’m going to detour from the discussing your game for a moment to talk about a weightier subject. Because of what’s going on in America, because of the murder of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and too many more, I’ve asked creators how to be more inclusive. How can white gamers and companies create a more open, inviting gaming table for black gamers and creators?
STEVEN: I’m really glad that this question is being asked because it shows that the world is changing. Whenever I used to play TTRPGs growing up there was some representation, but it wasn’t a whole lot. One of the reasons I became hooked on Pathfinder is that they had more of it. The monsters had more inspiration from real world culture. The iconics were more varied and unique in their own ways and the countries felt more like something that pulled from heritage. As a young African American, that spoke to me and inspired me to make my adventurers more inclusive. That’s what will pull more people in, the ability to see themselves in the game. That small step, I think, will go a long way in helping people feel like they can play too, like they’re included, and that’s important.
Theia is heavily inspired by this. Whenever I made a new country, I specifically asked people from that culture and that world to talk to me about their stories of their homeland and their folklore growing up. I put a lot of thought into the mannerisms of my characters and the colors, foods, and architecture in my countries. It’s all because I want people to feel like they can join in on the fun of roleplaying games. TTRPGs are a great way to unwind and make friends. The world needs more of that.
EGG: That’s an excellent point and I am glad Paizo and you are going that route.
Beyond Lands of Theia, what else are you working on?
STEVEN: Hahaha! More of Theia. Now that the first book is done I’m collecting my notes and working on refining the first adventure. In my spare time, I’m watching TTRPG podcasts and reading articles on how to be a better writer because it’s important to me that I make this campaign world right. I’m putting my heart into it so to speak. Hahaha.
EGG: Thank you for making games and talking with me. Where can fans learn more about your work?
STEVEN: [Samurai Sheepdog’s website] and our Facebook page. Kevin also has a Patreon where he has put a lot of random ideas together recently that we can collect later for other books set in Theia, haha.
Lands of Theia 5e, Pathfinder 1e, Pathfinder 2e from Samurai Sheepdog
END DATE: Thu, August 27 2020 1:00 PM EDT.
TRY BEFORE YOU BUY: LoT – Kickstarter Preview Kit for Pathfinder, 5e, and Pathfinder 2e is PWYW at DriveThruRPG
“In Lands of Theia by Steven Rasheed James adventure never waits. This campaign setting from Samurai Sheepdog introduces the eponymous world, its people, and the places they call home.”
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