Welcome to Rogue Squadron, pilot! In this series, we will be looking at different squadrons you can fly in Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing miniatures game. We give you the squad, what expansion pack all of the upgrades come from and then give you the lowdown on how best to fly it. Strap in and get ready to fly.
All Wings Report In (Extended)
Xi-class Light Shuttle “Agent Terex” (57 pts) (I3)
Setup: After placing forces, choose any number of your equipped upgrades and equip them to friendly TIE/fo or TIE/sf fighters. Each ship can be assigned only 1 this way.
End of Game: Return all upgrades to their original ship
- Crew – Tactical Officer: Adds White Coordinate. Requires Red Coordinate.
- Illicit – Inertial Dampeners: Before you would execute a maneuver, you may spend 1 shield. If you do, execute a white Stop instead of the maneuver you revealed, then gain 1 stress token.
- Illicit – Deadman’s Switch: After you are destroyed, each other ship at range 0-1 suffers 1 Hit damage.
- Illicit – Cloaking Device: Charges: 2. Action: Spend 1 charge to perform a Cloak action. At the start of the Planning Phase, roll 1 attack die. On a Focus result, decloak or discard your cloak token.
TIE/FO “TN-3465” (28 pts) (I2)
While another friendly ship performs an attack, if you are at range 0-1 of the defender, you may suffer 1 Crit damage to change 1 of the attacker’s results to a Crit result.
- None
TIE/SF “Backdraft” (48 pts) (I4)
While you perform a Mobile arc primary attack, if the defender is in your Rear arc, roll 1 additional die.
Heavy Weapon Turret: You can rotate your Mobile Arc indicator only to your Forward or Rear Arc. You must treat the requirement of your equipped Missiles upgrades as Mobile arc.
- Gunner – Special Forces Gunner:
- While you perform a Forward Arc primary attack, if your Mobile Arc is in your Foward Arc, you may roll 1 additional attack die.
- After you perform a Forward Arc primary attack, if your Mobile Arc is in your Rear Arc, you may perform a bonus primary Mobile Arc attack.
TIE/SF “Quickdraw” (67 pts) (I6)
After you lose a shield, you may spend 1 Charge. If you do, you may perform a bonus primary attack.
Heavy Weapon Turret: You can rotate your Mobile Arc indicator only to your Forward or Rear Arc. You must treat the requirement of your equipped Missiles upgrades as Mobile arc.
- Gunner – Special Forces Gunner:
- While you perform a Forward Arc primary attack, if your Mobile Arc is in your Foward Arc, you may roll 1 additional attack die.
- After you perform a Forward Arc primary attack, if your Mobile Arc is in your Rear Arc, you may perform a bonus primary Mobile Arc attack.
- Sensor – Fire Control System: While you perform an attack, if you have a lock on the defender, you may reroll 1 attack die. If you do, you cannot spend your lock during this attack.
- Tech – Deuterium Power Cells: Charges: 2. During the System Phase, you may spend 1 Charge and gain 1 disarm token to recover 1 Shield. Before you would gain 1 non-lock token, if you are not stressed, you may spend 1 charge to gain 1 stress token instead.
Lock S-Foils in Attack Position
With the release of the Xi-class shuttle I wanted to give Agent Terex a try. He adds a new unique feature to the First Order in the form of Illicit upgrades that he can pass around to other ships. TIE/FO and SF only unfortunately. This is probably a good long-term balance feature, but man would a cloaking device on Kylo be fun for shits and giggles.
While this is a very gimmicky list, Terex is a gimmicky pilot. Quickdraw with Inertial Dampeners can be a challenge to fly against. At I6, he has excellent board knowledge to know when to stop, burn a shield and get a free attack. With Deuterium Power Cells, he can get a shield back later to use for a bonus attack when it’s most beneficial. Stop, free shot, regular I6 shot, recover a shield, spend 2nd charge to get rid of disarm token, repeat.
Backdraft floats around with a cloaking device causing his kind of trouble with three die attacks front or back like a miniature Firespray. With a cloak he can dance around some and have more flexibility where he wants to decloak with that rear arc. With everyone gunning for Quickdraw, he can set up for a strong position.
TN-3465 is there to cause trouble. He wants to get in close and stay there. He triggers his ability to boost the attacks of his allies and if he blows himself up in the process, oh well, guess that’s extra damage to the enemy. Finally, Terex still serves as a coordination platform, which is especially useful for that turn you end up stopping with Quickdraw and he would normally not get an action.
The fun thing about Terex is you change this Illicit distribution each game during a tournament. Facing a list where you want Quickdraw more as an Ace? Give her Cloak. Having trouble getting TN into the fray? Give him the cloak instead. Can’t blow up but still useful in close. Quickdraw with Deadman’s is fun too because it increases your opponents reluctance to shoot her.
The FCS on Quickdraw is entirely optional. It’s nice, but you could spend those two points on a bid or on something else without any real major loss.
You could turn Backdraft into Lieutenant LeHuse and also save a point and gain I5 on him. Might get better use out of the cloak there, but his ability isn’t as strong. But would sync if you kept FCS on Quickdraw allowing LeHuse to spend Quickdraw’s Lock.
The Cloak could be switched out for Contraband for a few points as well. There are plenty of red maneuvers on the SF dial that could benefit from a turn of actions. Or Terex could keep it himself and stop and still coordinate. Though, if you want to do that, you’re better off finding the points for Pattern Analyzer.
Deuterium Power Cells can be switched for a Shield Upgrade instead on Quickdraw. Still an extra shield but I like Deuterium better. You don’t risk losing them all at once. With Deuterium, you can save the charges for when its most beneficial to get a shield back.

Wayne Basta
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