A Yule Time Mystery at Hogwarts

A Yule Time Mystery at Hogwarts is stand-alone adventure for the Genesys Roleplaying Game using the Harry Potter and the Theme of Genesys homebrew campaign setting created by Christopher Witt. It is designed to introduce new players to the rules, as well as give experienced players a unique adventure filled with mystery and magic.
Included are six pre-generated player characters whose abilities are well suited to this adventure, as well as, a quick reference sheet for introducing players to casting spells in the Genesys system. I can play the adventure over a single long session (around four hours) or two shorter sessions (2-3 hours).
It is set around Christmas-time but can be easily adapted to other times in the year. It overall has a light heart mystery and teenage drama theme to it.
The player characters are a group of students dealing with a seemingly innocent phenomenon, or is something more sinister afoot?…

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Chris Bobek