ALIEN Genesys Setting

After reading the new comic, Dead Orbit, I felt inspired to delve into the world of Alien. The franchise has had its ups and downs, but I’ve always had a deep love the first two films (I count the original in my top 5). There have been dozens of comics and games over the years, which spawned the mother-of-all-crossovers, Aliens vs. Predator. In this guide I’ve tried to stick to what I thought were the strengths of the franchise – gritty dystopian science fiction, a grounding in reality, realistic (and outmatched) human characters, and terrifyingly ALIEN aliens.

I think a campaign in this setting (or at least a one-shot) would be a refreshing break from my standard RPG fare– however, I tried to ensure that much of the material in this supplement could easily be ported into your own settings (anything from modern to sci-fi/space opera). I have a few ideas about putting together a “Beginner Box” style one-shot adventure using this material (I’m thinking it would make for a great Halloween game).

DOWNLOAD- ALIEN: Genesys Campaign Setting



  • A short piece of thematic original fiction.
  • Analysis of setting tropes and themes.
  • New character options.
  • New gear, including a large expanded section on improvised weapons and tools as weapons.
  • New vehicles.
  • Setting specific adversaries.
  • Background information on corporations and the galaxy.
  • Five fleshed-out “major worlds.”

“Recommended Reading” in the Franchise:

  • Alien and Aliens [film]
  • Alien: Isolation [game]
  • Aliens: Labyrinth [comic]
  • Aliens: Dead Orbit [comic]
  • Aliens vs. Predator (1990) [comic]
  • Aliens vs. Predator: War (1995) [comic]
  • Aliens: Apocalypse [comic]
  • Aliens: Glass Corridor [comic]
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Phillip is a professional scientific illustrator with a passion for science fiction and gaming. He got his gaming start when he and his brother picked up a copy of WEGs Platt's Starport Guide back in the third grade and has been obsessed ever since.


  1. I think there’s a typo under Facehugger on page 20, it says, if I’m not mistaken about the symbols, that three triumphs or a despair causes the acidic blood to damage the attacker, this is repeated under Drone on page 21, but the Queen on page 21, the threat symbols from Star Wars appears in place of the genesys triumph symbols.

    There are further instances of SW advantage symbols instead of Genesys symbols.

    • Yeah, I had been using the SW font as a placeholder until the Genesys one became available. The ‘t’ for threat in SW became triumphs during the change (and I apparently missed some). Thanks for the feedback and I will definitely be updating the link with this and other edits in the near future. I’ll give you a shout out in the “editor” credits 😉

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