And like that, they are back. The holidays.
That joyful time of year where you and your loved ones get together to exchange merriment, joy, and the not so subtle jabs about how the games you own have “40 page” rule books or involve weird “wizards and shit, so it’s basically Satanic.” (Another reason, my friends, to pick up fantasy football. It’s just like D&D because you pretend to be someone heroic except you can win money and you’ll finally have something to talk to your Uncle Steve about. Not that you want to talk to your Uncle Steve, but they don’t call them “uncomfortable silences” for nothing.)
So, if you’re like me, and I’m assuming you are since you’re on this site, reading this article, then going 3 – 7 days without gaming AT ALL is terrifying. GM Brev, or “Uncle Brev” if you wish, is here to provide you with a list of board games you can take with you that should keep the family entertained and engaged, and will help you scratch that itch you know you’re going to have.
Since these games are for families, we will be looking at games with the following criteria:
- 3-6 players
- Not too violent (Sorry Legendary Encounters Alien! You know I love you!)
- Short rules (No, Twilight Imperium, go home. You’re drunk!)
- Shorter play times. Try to average 45 minutes. (Why are you still here, Twilight Imperium?!)
- Something they (probably) have never played before
- Takenoko. First off, everyone loves the freakin’ panda. And if you make sound effects when he eats (e.g., “nom nom nom!” etc.) everyone will be smiling and eventually make those same noises. The rules aren’t long and are pretty intuitive. The first round you might have to hand-hold, but by round 3 everyone should be good. Also, it’s a fast game that’s not heady. No esoteric concepts to grasp. No long-term strategies and pre-planning to undertake. Make a decision and go.
- Players: 2-4
- Time: 30-45 minutes
- Lords of Waterdeep. Everyone knows I love this game. But not many people know that my wife, Mrs. GM Brev, adores this game as well, and she’s good at it. Yes, there is some strategy involved, and you have to pay attention, but this is not a hard game to grasp and the theme is fun. Also, people enjoy resource management games because it’s an easy concept to grasp. We do it every day of our lives with our own finances. Just with this you get “wizards and shit.”
- Players: 2-5
- Time: 45-60 minutes
- BANG! Dice. This is for the family that wants a fast-paced, don’t leave the table, screw your buddy, and get decades-old frustration out on your family member kind of game. Set in the Old West, this dice game is rapid-fire fun and sure to have lots of laughs and some hurt feelings. The larger the crowd, the faster the game in my observation, but everyone I’ve played with loves it and wants to play it again and again.
- Players: 3-8
- Time: 10-30 minutes
- Splendor. An usual game for this list, but one that I find people enjoy and has some strong replayability. It teaches engine building mechanics and resource management with a dash of strategy thrown in for fun. And, for the fidgety family members, the chips in the game are something they can play with keeping them occupied while other players have their turns.
- Players: 1-4
- Time: 30-45 minutes
- Walk the Plank. This little ditty was a steal my wife found one day. Essentially, you are the worst pirates of the crew and you’re made to walk the plank. However, the game ends when there are two players remaining. This is a fun, funny, and stressful tactical game of tested loyalties, bluffing, and treachery. It is fun and not many people know of it. I recommend it highly.
- Players: 3-5
- Time: 10-30 minutes
- Dixit. Another in the list of “Huh?” games that will show your family it’s not all about D&D and Star Wars, this game shows off your family member’s ability to tell stories effectively and how to listen. Always a big hit and uses a creative part of the brain so few of us get to in our everyday careers, it is breath of fresh air in a game night.
- Players: 3-6
- Time: 45-60 minutes
- Fun Farm. Because some of us have small kids, we need something they can play. Therefore, I present to you Fun Farm. A game selected by my oldest when he was 6 because my wife said “You should let him pick out a game,” and I begrudgingly acquiesced. However, he picked out a fun one. (So, the title isn’t a misnomer.) Basically, players win by snatching foam animals of the table first. There are a few minor rules to go along with it, but it’s short, simple, and keeps the kids paying attention and active, while at the table. Kids love it, but be forewarned–when playing with adults blood is drawn.
- Players: 2-10
- Time: 10-20 minutes
I hope this list helps you with your holiday family time.
Enjoy the next two months of togetherness and love, and remember…
I’ll roll with you again real soon!