Greetings, Gamer Nation!
If you’re reading this, chances are, you’re into tabletop roleplaying games. Maybe you’re new to the hobby, maybe you’ve been rolling dice for decades, maybe you’re somewhere in between–but regardless, you probably know the one thing that gamers everywhere have learned all too well: things don’t always go smoothly.
Maybe you’re a GM, with a player (or players!) making your campaign–and your social life–difficult for you. Maybe you’re a player with an unreasonable GM, maybe you’re stuck with a story or a character that you hate, or maybe it’s one of the countless other things that could make our little hobby less than ideal.
That’s where I’m here to help.
Inspired by the Order 66 Podcast’s occasional segment When Good Games Go Bad, I decided to put my tabletop gaming experience to use in the form of an advice column. As an experienced GM and player alike, I’ve been in my fair share of good games, bad games, great games that have turned sour and the other way around. I’ve seen major missteps, I’ve made stupid mistakes, and I’ve spent a lot of time talking to a lot of people about what makes good gaming great and what ruins things for everyone at the table.
So, I am now officially soliciting questions from the Gamer Nation (and anyone else who might just be passing through our lands)! The first installment of my column will debut on July 1st, so send me your gaming quandaries, your burning questions, and your pleas for assistance, and I’ll do my best to make sure that you get the answers you need–or, at the very least, some okay advice and a bit of perspective to help you get through the dark times.
Remember the old mantra : “no gaming” is better than “bad gaming.”
Are you having trouble with a game, on either side of the screen? Why not Ask a GM (gmrikoshi@d20radio.com), and see if he can’t help you out.
Say, how would one go about asking a GM a question?
Email Kevin. GMRikoshi@d20radio.com