About this time last year, I wrote about my 2019 plans for my little corner of the internet. And now it’s time to make plans for 2020. Wait! Where in the Lower Planes did All. The. Time go?! This is a job for The Doctor!!! Disclaimer: all the below, plans, dreams, and plots are subject to change with zero notice or less. Because I am Chaotic Good, that’s why. Speaking of chaos, most of what you’ll read here this year will be familiar chaos.
I started my Force Wizard series a year ago, and will be continuing it, as it is one of the best-received of my features. All the core books’ powers were covered in 2019, so I will be starting on the powers introduced in the various Career and Adventure sourcebooks for F&D. First up will be Suppress from Keeping the Peace, later this month.
I look forward to discovering more new games of all kinds this year. That means there will be more reviews and play experiences, including “Try Before You Buy.” For newcomers, “Try B4” is aimed at both gamers on a budget and gamers who just want to find out if a game is as fun as it sounds before spending a large chunk of the gaming budget. So it focuses on free and low cost quickstarts and other supplements. “Play experiences” are just that–how I felt about a game after trying it once or twice: How hard or easy was it to pick up the rules? How fast/slow did it play? Did the game capture the feeling of the source material (if based on a book, movie, etc.)? Most importantly, do me and my friends/family want to play again?
As in the past, I will present a lot of statblocks for various RPGs–potential PCs, NPCs, and other adversaries. I have found over my years writing here that I do enjoy creating stats of all sorts. I won’t forget the Xenobiology, so there will be more monsters, beasts, pets, and other critters. Some of these will be conversions, others from my favorite movies, books, and TV shows. You’ll probably see 1 or 2 Gazeteers for the Star Wars RPG, as well.
Other things I will bring back are the GamerNation Con after-action report, a look at Free RPG Day goodies, and reports on any other cons I attend. (Alas, I couldn’t make a lot of cons in 2019.) I haven’t decided if I will do any “Etiquette & Protocol” in 2020. But, if something related comes up in the news, or someone asks me a question via the D20 Radio’s Facebook page or Messenger (Boink! Hint! Bonk!), my protocol droid will be on the job.
One thing I probably won’t do this year is “Crowdsourcing,” where I asked, on the Facebook page, for GamerNation folks to give me their takes and tips on topics. In 2018, I had a couple good ones, on con gaming and space combat. But last year, when I posted a couple of topics on the Facebook page, I didn’t get any responses. It was worth a try, however.
Overall, I was quite happy with Astral Projections 2019 and I am looking forward to the 2020 edition. I wish you a wonderful 2020 with lots of good gaming–and may the Force be with you always!