Astral Projections – 2022 Forecast

Happy New Year’s, the 2022 Astral Projections Edition! And about time. I like to start off my Astral Projections with a preview/threat/promise (take your pick) of what I might write about this year.

Just last month, I finished Force Wizard (Phase 2, I will call it), with the Jedi Signature Ability Peerless Interception. I am ready for something new, but am very fond of this feature. So, a few months ago I decided to look over the Force talents from the FFGSW line. I am tentatively planning (as of this writing) to do this by talent tree. I will probably start with the universal specs that offer FR1. Expect the first of these later this month.

Related tangentially to FW Ph. 2, as part of my December 2021’s Holiday Specials, I did an FW style treatment of the Clone Soldier SA, Unmatched Teamwork. If you are interested in seeing more like that, please tell me in the comments or on Facebook.

What else besides Force Wizard and Star Wars in general do I have up my sleeve? Right now, I am still loving both Star Trek Adventures (STA) and CyberpunkRED (CPRED), both of which I wrote about in 2021, so expect to see more of those systems here in 2022. In fact, I am currently reading STA’s Shakleton Expanse, a campaign setting based on Mōdiphiüs Entertainment’s Living version of STA. As I mentioned in the 2021 Gift Guide, I am enjoying taking this supplement slow, but expect to see an Astral Review in the next couple of months.

Unlike STA, which I get to play only a couple times a year, I have lucked out with CPRED, finding an enjoyable play-by-post campaign. This in spite of the fact that playing regularly has exposed a few mechanical shortcomings in the system that I couldn’t recognize from just reading the CRB. (Which is why said shortcomings didn’t make it into my 2021 review.) I may write a bit about my experiences if that group doesn’t object.

I also want to get back to two of my favorite statblock features. The first is more Star Wars aliens/creatures for both the FFG and Saga Edition rules. The second is continuing my Literary features where I adapt creatures, and sometimes the odd bit of gear (like Captain Nemo’s gun),  from some of my favorite books.

So that’s what I hope this space will look like in 2022. Please join me for more chaotic good gaming fun.


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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at