© 2013 Linda Whitson
My favorite of all the Order of the Stick‘s wonderful characters is the Azure City paladin O-Chul. His compassion, dedication, and courage in the face of despair are to me what a holy warrior or true knight should be. And he is Tough. As creator Rich Burlew notes in Don’t Split the Party, he is meant to Endure. It is both gift and curse.
For a long time I have said I want to stat a character like O-Chul. I agree with Mr. Burlew that he is a great example of what a paladin should be, and that it is a bad idea for a PC to have to police other PCs in order to keep their own class abilities. Both D&D 5e and Castles & Crusades (C&C)* eschew this in both mindset and mechanics; abilities may only be lost by the paladin’s own actions. I am glad to see that fantasy game developers have come around to this point of view.
But A’lan Cordell is not intended to be an O-Chul “clone”; he was simply inspired by Burlew’s character, even if a few background details are similar. Indeed, I was–for me–fairly vague in this backstory so that A’lan can be used in almost any setting for either D&D or C&C. Thus, I left out human ethnicity, country or town of origin, and deity. Feel free to change and customize. For D&D, when A’lan reaches Level 3, the Oath of Devotion is the most appropriate.
*If you want to find out more about this fantasy RPG, see my review of the C&C Players Handbook.
Backstory: Like many younger children of merchants and tradesmen who had no talent for the family business, or any other, A’lan didn’t have much of a choice beyond one of the local temples or taking service as one of the Countess’s men-at-arms, once he was old enough to apprentice. Although reasonably devout, the youth didn’t see himself as a cleric.
So it was Her Ladyship’s household troopers for the next decade. Some of A’lan’s fellow guardsmen and women joked about his friendliness and guilelessness. “He couldn’t win a wager if he wore a sack over his head!” may be why he first tried the ancient strategy game he excels at. But they were good-natured about it, knowing A’lan to be a good and brave fighter.
When the Countess’ villages were menaced by vicious brigands who had allied with a goblin tribe, she sent for her cousin, the paladin Sir Lorill Hawkwilde, to help. During the final raid on the bandit/goblin base, the unmounted A’lan killed the goblin chieftain and was in turn confronted by the mounted bandit captain. A’lan barely managed to defeat that knave–but sustained injuries that should have killed him!
But he was still alive at the end, and Lorill’s healing touch mended his worst injuries. As the younger man recovered, Sir Lorill talked to the guard captain and others, learning of A’lan’s reputation as not only a tough and strong fighter, but a guard who didn’t bully or throw around his authority. A’lan was also a man of simple faith, the paladin learned, when he visited him, who was beginning to sense that there might be some greater tasks than guarding the Countess’ lands. So, after much though, prayer, and discussion on both their parts, Sir Lorill encouraged A’lan to follow the paladin’s path, persuading his cousin to release him from her guards, and promising that when A’lan was ready to take Oath, Sir Lorill would stand for him.
Game: D&D 5e
Race: Human
Class/Level: Paladin 1
Alignment: Lawful Good
Background: Soldier (Standardbearer)
Strength 14
Dexterity 11
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 14
Armor Class: 18
Hit Points: 13
Class Abilities: Divine Sense, Lay on Hands
Spell Slots: 0
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Armor Proficiencies: All
Weapon Proficiencies: Martial, Simple
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Medicine, Insight, Intimidation
Save Proficiencies: Wisdom, Charisma
Tool Proficiencies: Game set (Go), Vehicles (land)
Languages: Common, 1 open
Equipment: Broadsword, Shield, Mace, Chain Mail, Holy Symbol, GO Set, Common Clothes, Belt Pouch, Explorer’s Pack, 10 Gold Pieces
Personality: I am always calm, no matter the situation. I encourage others.
Ideal: I do what I must, whatever the personal cost.
Bond: I fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.
Flaw: I cannot hide my “tells” for lying.
Race: Human
Class/Level: Paladin 1
Alignment: Lawful Good
Strength 14
Dexterity 11
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 14
Armor Class: +5
Hit Points: 13
Primary Attributes: Charisma, Constitution, Strength
Language: Common
Movement: 30′
Weapons: Any
Armor: Any
Abilities: Detect Evil, Divine Aura, Divine Health, Lay on Hands
Equipment: Broadsword, Medium Steel Shield, Light Mace, Chain Shirt and Coif, Holy Symbol, GO Set, Common Clothes, Small Belt Pouch, 50′ Hempen Rope, Backpack (bedroll, tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days’ rations, waterskin)
40 Gold Pieces
Personality: I am always calm, no matter the situation. I do what I must, whatever the personal cost.