Copyright Linda Whitson
Game: Star Wars Age of Rebellion
Alliance SpecOps Pilot
Species: Human
Ace/Hotshot, Recruit
Duty: Resource Acquisition (per Stay on Target)
Motivation: Family–many relatives imprisoned or executed for shipjackings, most of which benefited the Rebellion
Brawn 2
Agility 4
Intellect 2
Cunning 3
Presence 2
Willpower 2
Astrogation 2
Cool 2
Gunnery 2
Melee 1
Pilot (planetary) 2
Pilot (Space) 3
Ranged (heavy) 2
Ranged (lt) 1
Skulduggery 1 (human)
Stealth 1 (human)
Vigilance 1
High G Training 2
Grit 2
Second Chances 1
Skilled Jockey 1
Shortcut 1
Basic Training
Tactical Training
Second Wind
Spare Clip
Soak: 4 Defense: 0/0 Wound Threshold: 13 Strain Threshold: 14
Force Rating: 0
Padded Armor (Alliance flightsuit and helmet) Soak +2
Stim Pack x5
Utility Belt
Rebel Field Manual
Comm link
Blaster Carbine (850 credits) (Ranged [heavy], Dam 9, Crit 3, Medium Range, Stun Setting)
Combat Knife (25 credits) (Melee, Dam +1, Crit 3, Engaged Range)
Backstory: Alyxa’s family “sourced” starships and other vehicles for clients–like the Alliance. Since she was 11 Alyxa worked in the family business, having a knack for piloting practically anything. Unfortunately, the Empire caught up to them and Moff Jurenus sentenced most of the clan to death. But not Alyxa, then 15. Somehow she ended up in a slaver’s hold, with a bunch of other underage “cargo.” Of course Jurenus had nothing to do with this. (Yeah, right…)
Rebel agents got wind of the shipment and rescued the young people. Many were reunited with their families, but Alyxa had no one left. A squadron involved in the rescue-raid informally adopted Alyxa and a couple other teens, arranging for them to be trained as crew, mechanics or pilots. Alyxa now pilots for the Rebels, and continues to source ships, vehicles and anything else the Rebels need.
Design Notes: One of my Friday Night Skype AoR players offered to run at least one side mission (one-shot) in my campaign as Guest GM, to give me a break and a chance to play in the Rebellion Era, still my favorite after all these years. So I needed a PC who would make sense as a substitute for Guest GM’s PC, (the team’s usual pilot, among other things), who would be otherwise occupied during the mission. I had already introduced one of the base’s starfighter pilots as a minor NPC and our “neo-Jedi” player had expressed an interest in more interactions with the character, so I opted to use Alyxa, written up as a PC. This version, at Knight Level, is much less experienced than the version I play, because Guest GM and I agreed on an XP amount similar to what the other PCs had earned.
As written, the PC is suitable as the pilot for a SpecOps or other Rebel team. She also works well as a member of a starfighter squadron, perhaps one similar to Wraith Squadron. I find the Recruit universal specialization useful for both expanding a build’s options and gaining some useful general talents such as Second Wind and Toughened. Alyxa’s Equipment is what Guest GM offered as a “Standard Kit” for SpecOps PCs plus a few other things “requisitioned” by the PC with his okay. We felt the Astromech is acceptable as it is within the purchasing power of the 9,000 credits in lieu of a lightsaber, which Force & Destiny offers for characters starting at Knight Level. However, if you use Alyxa check with your GM about the droid and other gear on the list.