Brezaks are carnivorous flying creatures native to Zygerria. Their somewhat stumpy, leathery “wings” are partially webbed between front and rear legs. Brezaks are primarily gliders; however they have some ability to fly. They have been seen to leap upwards into the air. In addition to a toothy maw, brezaks have a long, heavy tail that they use in combat to bash and shove opponents. They are often used as mounts by Zygerrians.
Design & Play Notes: One of these flying mounts was recently featured on The Bad Batch episode “Rampage.” It had to be pretty tough to stand up to even a juvenile rancor for as long as it did.
While sources describe the brezak as a “glider,” rather than a flyer, this isn’t strictly true, judging from some of its moves in “Rampage.” A creature that only glides often launches from a high point and catches air currents; however gliders can’t do that from a lower point, like the ground, which it is shown doing at least once in “Rampage.”
Riding characteristics are from the Beast Riding Rules in Stay On Target, pp. 80-81. If you do not have the book, these characteristics work just like the vehicle characteristics of the same names. (In all other respects the mount is treated like any other NPC.)

BREZAK [Rival]
Brawn 4
Agility 3
Intellect 1
Cunning 3
Willpower 1
Presence 1
Skills: Brawl 3, Perception 2, Vigilance 2
Talents: None
Special Abilities: Silhouette 3, Flyer (Brezaks can glide/fly; see Age of Rebellion, p. 214 [or Flying sidebar in any other Core Rulebook])
Soak: 8 Wound Threshold: 20 Defense (m/r): 0/0
Force Rating: 0
Equipment: Teeth (Brawl, Damage +3, Crit 3, Engaged range); Tail (Brawl, Damage +4, Crit 2, Short range, Knockdown)
Riding Characteristics: Silhouette 3, Speed 2, Handling -1