Astral Projections – Canine Sidekicks for M&M 3e

© DC Comics

I am a lifelong dog lover. My family’s current canine member is Bear, a black and white Lab adopted from our local animal shelter. Bear’s only superpowers are Adorableness (Mind Control 20, limited to compelling petting, treats, and general spoiling) and Detect Yummy Food (Senses 1). But some superheroes have been lucky enough to have a real superpowered pupper for a sidekick. Krypto, a.k.a. Superdog, is probably the best known of these. However, there is also The Bionic Woman‘s bionic dog, Max, and even Batman has a dog, Ace. Below are M&M stats for dogs similar to these animal heroes.

Design Notes: Each dog is intended to be bought by a PL 10+ PC as the Sidekick Advantage.Since the comic book/graphic novel inspirations for these dogs are medium or large dogs, I used the Dog stats from the M&M 3e Gamemaster’s Guide (p. 134) as a starting point for my superpowered dogs’ Skills and Powers. I kept the standard Dog senses and added the Normal Strength Extra to the Shrinking 2.

In addition, Cosmic has his Powers–the classic Kryptonian abilities of flight, X-ray vision, and total immunity. Speaking of classic, this is a homage to the original, less fierce version of Krypto that I recall from childhood, hence the much lower Intimidation ranks compared to Cap, and lack of the Daze Advantage.

Note that neither dog has the highest possible defenses for their respective Power Levels. I don’t see this as too serious a drawback, given that they are Sidekicks, which by RAW cannot be permanently lost to the player.

Being better than ordinary canines (whether due to cybernetics or unearthly origin), their Ability scores are much higher including human-level Intellect. Granted, an argument could be made that at least Cap, who is really a normal dog with only physical enhancements from his cyborg parts, is no smarter than a highly-trained military/law enforcement K-9 or service dog. But since they are meant to be PC sidekicks, I think it is fine for both to have INT 0. (And it freed up a few Power Points. <wink>)

Feedback and Technical Editing: Empty Bacta Tank, from my online group.

Concept: Out of this world dog           Power Level: 8/106pp
Sidekick Advantage Cost: 21pp

Abilities: STR 6* ^ ; STA 6* ; AGL 5* ; DEX 2 ; FGT 6 ; INT 0 ; AWE 3 ; PRE 1 (58pp)
*Enhanced abilities
^Improved Critical, Penetrating 3 (4pp)

Advantages: Improved Initiative, Uncanny Dodge (2pp)

Skills: Athletics 4, Intimidate 3, Perception 5, Stealth 4 (8pp)

Canine Senses: Acute Smell, Ultra hearing, Track-olfactory (4pp)
Canine Size: Shrinking 2 (Permanent, Innate, Normal Strength) (4pp)
The Cosmic Canine (32pp):
-Fly 6 (12pp)
-Immunity 10
-X-ray vision: Vision, penetrates concealment (4pp per Power Profiles)

Dodge: 5
Parry: 6
Fortitude: 6
Toughness: 6
Will: 3

Concept: Bionic dog          Power Level: 6/90pp
Sidekick Advantage Cost: 18pp

Abilities: STR 6* ^ ; STA 6* ; AGL 5* ; DEX 2 ; FGT 6 ; INT 0 ; AWE 3 ; PRE 1 (58pp)
*Enhanced abilities
^Improved Critical, Penetrating 3 (4pp)

Advantages: Daze (Intimidate), Instant up, Move-by (3pp)

Skills: Athletics 4, Intimidate 7, Perception 7, Stealth 4 (11pp)

Canine Senses: Acute Smell, Ultra hearing, Track-olfactory (4pp)
Canine Size: Shrinking 2 (Permanent, Innate, Normal Strength) (4pp)
Bionics: Movement: Leaping 2, Speed 5 (7pp)

Dodge: 5
Parry: 6
Fortitude: 6
Toughness: 6
Will: 3

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at