Astral Projections – Captain Nemo’s Leyden Rifle (Mutants & Masterminds 3e)

© Disney/Lake Buena Vista 1954

A few months ago, I recreated Captain Nemo’s underwater hunting rifle for Genesys. It’s my own tribute to Jules Verne, AKA The Man Who Invented the Future. So many things he devised for his novels did become real and this is one of them. In fact, it’s probably the most recent. When I first read 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea in fourth grade, one of the annotations in my copy stated that Leyden bottles – what the ammunition was described as – wouldn’t work like they did in the novel.

Now your M&M 3e NPCs and PCs can use this cool piece of underwater weaponry. (It’s also usable on land!) Maybe your team has somehow ended up with Captain Nemo (or someone who believes they’re the legendary sub captain) or your friendly neighborhood gadgeteer has made their own version.

Design & Play Notes: Depending on your campaign or scenario, this rifle can be simple Equipment or a Device. (See Deluxe Heroes Handbook 3e, p. 209) The Equipment version is simply a slightly more powerful version of the Taser (p. 219). If the Device version’s Cumulative Extra seems too powerful, remove it and adjust the cost. I suggest no more than 6-7 ranks.

EQUIPMENT: “Leyden Bottle”

Underwater Rifle: Ranged Affliction 6, Critical 20, Cost: 12 Equipment points. Vs. Fortitude. Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated

DEVICE: “Leyden Bottle”

Underwater Rifle: Ranged Affliction, vs. Fortitude. Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated. Cumulative (+1), Easily Removable (-1). Cost: 2 Power Points/rank.

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at