While my gaming group was enthusiastically creating NPCs, at the GM’s invitation, for a new campaign, I realized there were no M&M 3e stats for centaurs. So I decided to remedy that lack.
I’ve included statblocks for both a Minion Centaur and a full NPC Centaur below. The minion version is intended for escapades involving Lost Worlds, time travel, alternate universes, M&M villains derived from Greco-Roman mythology (there are a number of them), or any scenario where you need a herd or platoon. The “MR3” in the Minion statblock refers to what the Gamemasters Guide calls Minion Rating (MR). The MR is the minimum ranks of the Summoning Power or Minion Advantage to gain this minion type. (You’ll need more Summoning ranks to cover the costs of any extras like Active, Horde, and/or Multiple Minions.)
The NPC centaur might be a member of one of the Cryptid Clans that live outside Emerald City, or an officer, VIP, contact, etc. in other adventures. This centaur may also be used as an example PC. PDFs were created in Hero Lab Classic.
Credit: Thanks to Empty Bacta tank for feedback.