Physiology: The Chelidae are amphibians with a hard carapace, including a shell on their back. As amphibians, they can breathe in both water and standard atmospheres. Unlike some amphibian species, they don’t suffer from being out of water for long periods. Chelidae are short and stout. Males have a “beard.”
Society: Chelidae, given a choice, live close to water, but not in it. Many of them are quiet and unassuming, to outright shy among other species. They are generous and willing to help out those in need as well.
Homeworld: The Outer rim planet Castilon, located in the system of the same name, near Wild Space. Castilon is an oceanic terrestrial planet with two moons and a few islands.
Languages: The Chelidae speak their own language and can understand and read Basic. Their beak and oral anatomy makes it very hard to impossible for a Chelidae to speak Basic, however.
Life in the Galaxy: Chelidae are not well-known off Castilon, but are not really remarked upon as being “different,” “out-of-place,” etc. This is due largely to their preference to not stand out and just go quietly about their business. Those familiar with Chelidae value them not only for their varied technical skills but for their powers of observation, enhanced by their ability to go unnoticed.
Perception of the Force: As far as is known, Chelidae aren’t a “Force-blind” species and some Chelidae could, given the opportunity, learn to wield the Force.
Brawn 2 Agility 2 Intellect 3 Cunning 2 Willpower 2 Presence 1
Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 100
Special Abilities: Chelidae begin the game with 1 rank in Mechanics. They still may not train Mechanics above rank 2 during character creation.
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Amphibious: Chelidae can breathe underwater without penalty and never suffer movement penalties for traveling through water.
Design & Play Notes: This playable species first appeared in the Star Wars: Resistance episode “The Children of Tehar” and a number of subsequent episodes. Like the Mon Cal species they make excellent engineers, techs, armorers, or even slicers, but can fill a number of roles in a party. Their knack for passing unnoticed while noticing nearly everything make them valuable spies and infiltrators as well as techs on spec-ops teams.
Absent any official information to the contrary, I see no reason a Chelidae character cannot be Force-sensitive and/or take a Force career/universal specialization, if that fits the campaign you’re playing in. (Unless your GM holds the “we didn’t see them before X era, so they aren’t around” point of view, which I find too rigid.)
“Chelidae” comes from the scientific name of the (biological) family of Austro-South American side-neck turtles.
Credit: Thanks to Empty Bacta Tank for feedback and technical editing.