Cian, like almost all Padawans in the waning years of the Republic, was adopted by the Jedi Order as an infant. An active youngling from Day 1, Cian found the academic classes a trial, because he had trouble with sitting still, and sometimes missed details–but not about the great battles in history and literature. Cian was eventually tapped as the apprentice by Bastion Emries, a similarly action-oriented Jedi who had recently been knighted.
When the Clone Wars broke out, both master and apprentice enthusiastically supported the Jedi’s new role as officers and warleaders. They were perhaps more enthusiastic than was seemly, some of their fellows opined quietly. But the realities of war eroded that view. As the years went on, both Cian and Bastion longed for this to end, when they drew their sabers only in the Temple sparring arenas or perhaps when a mission turned out to not be a blue milk run. But it wasn’t to be for either of them. Bastion was cut down in battle, and the Council decided to knight Cian rather than assign him to another master, a common occurrence since there were so few Jedi now. And then the secret Order 66 was carried out…
Design & Play Notes: This concept was suggested by one of my fellow players, Empty Bacta Tank, as an alternate to the typical Sullustan pilot. The Agility 3 would make a PC for a focus on acrobatic combat–the archetypical Ataru Striker. Cunning is left at 1 since Ataru devotees tend to be quite unsubtle–“like ginsu knives!” as EBT put it. I also stayed away from Force powers other than Enhance since the more-martial Force users don’t use powers much. If you want to pick up a second power, I suggest Move and possibly its damage-dealing Control upgrade.
I picked the name from the tables in the D20 SW Galactic Campaign Guide. (If you have access to a copy, it is a good resource for Star Wars PC/NPC names.) From those, the male name Cian means “Sword” and the surname Unnh means “Warrior,” appropriate for an Ataru disciple.
While I have written a Prequel/Clone Wars backstory, Cian can be used in nearly any era with an active Jedi Order (including Legends post-Ep. VI eras such as NJO). Post-Order 66 and through the Galactic Civil War, he could be a rare survivor, like Kanan Jarrus (Knight-level build) or trained by one (+25XP or starting). Either of these could be from another Force Tradition. For post-Ep. VI to the Sequels, Cian could either be one of Luke’s current/former students or perhaps trained by another Rebellion-era Force-user.
Credit: Concept and technical editing by Empty Bacta Tank.
CIAN UNNH [+25xp]
Sullustan Ataru Striker
+10 Starting XP
Morality: 50
Strength: Bravery (F&D) / Weakness: Recklessness (F&D)
Brawn 2
Agility 4
Intellect 2
Cunning 1
Willpower 4
Presence 2
Astrogation 1*
Athletics 1
Lightsaber 1
Piloting (planetary) 1
Piloting (space) 1
Vigilance 1
Skilled Jockey 1*
Jump Up
Ataru Technique
*Species Special Abilities
Force Power: Enhance (Basic)
Soak: 3 Defense (m/r): 0/0 Strain Threshold: 14 Wound Threshold: 12
Force Rating: 1
Equipment: Training Lightsaber (Lightsaber, Damage 6, Critical –, Engaged, Stun Damage), Heavy Clothing (Soak +1), 50 Credits
CIAN UNNH [Knight Level]
Sullustan Ataru Striker
+10 Starting XP
Morality: 50
Strength: Bravery (F&D) / Weakness: Recklessness (F&D)
Brawn 2
Agility 4
Intellect 2
Cunning 1
Willpower 4
Presence 2
Astrogation 1
Athletics 1
Lightsaber 1
Piloting (planetary) 1
Piloting (space) 1
Vigilance 1
Skilled Jockey 1*
Conditioned 1
Jump Up
Parry 2
Quick Draw
Quick Strike
Reflect 1
Ataru Technique
*Species Special Abilities
Force Power: Enhance (Use Enhance with Athletics, Coordination, and Resilience; Force Leap [horizontal]; Force Leap [vertical])
Soak: 3 Defense (m/r): 0/0 Strain Threshold: 14 Wound Threshold: 12
Force Rating: 1
Equipment: Basic Lightsaber (Lightsaber, Damage 6, Critical 2, Engaged, Breach 1 Sunder), Concealing Robes (Soak+1; Add 1 Setback to checks to notice or recognize an individual wearing concealing robes), 350 Credits