Species: Trill Rank: Lt. Commander
Gender: Male Department: Engineering
Age: 30 years Assignment: Chief Engineer
Thal Symbiont
Attributes Value
Control 9
Daring 10
Fitness 9
Insight 9
Presence 8
Reason 11
Disciplines Value
Command 3
Conn 2
Engineering 5
Security 2
Science 3
Medicine 1
Stress: 11 Determination: 1
An Ounce of Prevention… (Coron prefers prevention, or when not possible, dealing with problems when they first arise)
Theory Be Damned (Although no slouch when it comes to textbooks, Coron is happiest thinking outside the box)
New At This Too (The Thal symbiont is younger than most, which affects the joining)
[Relationship: open]
Philosophy, Quantum Mechanics, Survival, Transporters & Replicators, Warp Engines, Warp Field Dynamics
Talents (page references are for the Core Book PDF)
Joined – see page 109
Studious – see page 136
A Little More Power – see page 137
Intense Scrutiny – see page 138
Type 1 Phaser (Ranged), Damage 4CD, Charge, Hidden 1
Unarmed Strike (Melee), Damage 1CD, Knockdown, Nonlethal
Communicator, phaser (type-1), Starfleet uniform
Lifepath Notes
Species – Trill: Talent (Joined), Traits (Trill, Thal Symbiont), +1 Control, +1 Presence, +1 Reason
Environment – Busy Colony:+1 Daring, +1 Science, Value (An Ounce of Prevention )
Upbringing – Diplomacy & Politics (rejected): Fitness +1, Reason +2, +1 Security, Focus–Philosophy
Academy – Operations Track/Engineering: +1 Daring, +1 Insight, +1 Reason, +1 Command, + 2 Engineering, +1 Science, Talent–A Little More Power, Focuses(Survival, Transporters & Replicators, Warp Field Dynamics), Value (Theory Be Damned!)
Career – Experienced Officer: Talent–Intense Scrutiny, Value (New at This Too!)
Career Event #1 – Transporter Accident: +1 Insight, +1 Conn, Focus–Quantum Mechanics
Career Event #2 – Solved an Engineering Crisis: +1 Control, +1 Engineering, Focus–Warp Engines
Finishing Touches – +1 Daring, +1 Fitness, +1 Engineering, + 1 Command, Value (unspecified)
Backstory: Coron Razix, a fun-loving and inventive Trill, grew up on a busy colony world where his parents were minor ministers, and some extended family members, over the generations had been Joined. His mother was eventually elected Lt. Governor, while his father rose through the ranks of the Education Ministry. Coron resented that government duties took so much of his parents’ attention and so they relied on him, the oldest, to watch out for his younger siblings. So Coron decided to pursue another career. What, he had no idea, as long as it was hands-on and NOT politics.
A Joined great-uncle suggested that Coron, who was intelligent, open-minded, and had a wide range of interests, should apply to the Inititate Program, while beginning the Engineering program he had finally decided upon. Uncle Tagg pointed out that even consideration would open many doors, such as Starfleet.
Coron Razix eventually became the third host of the Thal symbiont, and they have been joined about 3years, between his first Starfleet posting and his current assignment to the U.S.S Hadfield. Although still quite lighthearted and fond of jokes, the Joining with Thal has, naturally altered his personality somewhat. He is steadier, and more inclined to look ahead, using his creativity and out of the box thinking to prevent problems, rather than solving them on the fly, just before they blow up.
The most significant event to affect the Joined Trill was a transporter accident–a “doubled replication”–shortly after he became part of the Hadfield crew, which resulted in Coron and Thal being separated into 2 beings, one Coron Razix and the other Thal, or more accurately, Thal and the previous 2 hosts, Azala and Diranne, both women. Coron Thal believes that this “took this symbiont bond to a new level.” Razix’s engineering expertise and willingness to ignore accepted theory when necessary, combined with Azala-Diranne Thal’s pragmatism and flexibility at becoming part of a new being were key to re-uniting them as one.
Design notes: Another PC inspired by art, the piece accompanying the Trill species write up in Star Trek Adventures Core book. He looked like a good-natured, even merry, officer, probably an Engineering or Science type (in spite of his gold-shouldered uniform!), judging from the gadget he was carrying.
I decided it might be fun to explore a joined Trill where the symbiont didn’t have half a dozen or more previous hosts. I made Coron Thal’s third host so that he would have some previous host knowledge and memories to call on, although I expect this will be more in the realm of roleplay, than mechanics. I deliberately chose to give these former hosts only names and gender, so that a player–and their GM–have the most freedom with these details. Of course, you can also decide that the Thal symbiont has had more hosts. Just alter or replace the “New at This Too!” Value. Freedom for a player to make Coron Thal their own PC is also why I only fleshed out one Career Event, the transporter accident.
Credits: Images are © and ™ CBS Studios Inc.