Astral Projections – Danae Tel, Apprentice Healer (F&D)

Danae T’el, Healer
© 2017 Linda Whitson

Human Consular/Healer

Morality: 50
Strengths: Compassion & MercyDanae, like her grandfather, believes that these are the 2 most important traits of either a physician or a wielder of the Force.
Weakness: ObsessionLike many young doctors, Danae can get too focused on a medical mystery. Worse, Danae can get so involved in these mysteries or focused on healing that she may not notice “bigger picture” causes for the ills (literal or figurative) she is treating.
Motivation: Friends & FamilyDanae grew up in a close, extended family, all of whom have served the larger galaxy in some fashion, a path she wishes to follow. Her grandfather and parents have encouraged, practically insisted she get out on her own for a while.

Brawn 2
Agility 2
Intellect 3
Cunning 3
Presence 2
Willpower 3

Charm 1 (Human)
Dscipline 1
Knowledge: Lore 1
Knowledge: Xenology 1
Leadership 1
Lightsaber 1 (Human)
Medicine 2

Talents: Surgeon 1 (When making a Medicine check to help a character heal wounds, the target heals +1 wound), Physician 1 (When making a Medicine check to help a character heal wounds, the target heals +1 strain)

Force Rating: 1
Force Power: Heal/Harm (Basic)
Heal: Spend 1 Force pip to heal Wounds equal to Intellect on an engaged target (including self). May only be activated once. Lightside only.
Harm: Spend 1 Force pip to inflict Wounds equal to Intellect (ignores Soak) on an engaged living target. User gains 1 Conflict. May only be activated once.

Soak: 3    Defense (m/r): 0/0     Wound Threshold: 12     Strain Threshold: 13

Equipment: Training Lightsaber (Damage 5, Critical: N/A, Range: Engaged, Stun Damage), Concealing Robes (Soak +1. Add 1 <Setback> to checks to notice or recognize a person wearing concealing robes), Heavy Clothing (Soak +1. Typical medical garb &/or casual clothing), Comlink (handheld), Physician’s Kit (Add 1 <Boost> to all Medicine checks & add 1 <Advantage> to successful Medicine checks), 3 Stimpacks, 200 Credits

Backstory: Danae’s parents are former Alliance officers who continue to serve in the restored Republic. Her father Guay T’el is one of the leaders of New Alderaan’s planetary defense force, while her mother Lady Commander Wyn T’el, trains–and still outflies–the next generation of starfighter pilots. So Danae, born 12ABY, and her siblings were raised primarily by their maternal grandfather, Dr. Danny Solomani, and his wife, both semi-retired doctors.

This arrangement worked out well for all, especially Danae. Even as a small girl, she could easily touch the Force, her grandfather noted. It was no surprise to him, for decades ago, he had been one of the last Jedi Healers, although for his own reasons he doesn’t bring this up outside the family. But he trained Danae himself, and she came to recognize that she had his knack for Force-healing. Danae eventually followed in her grandparent’s footsteps and went to medical school, while continuing as Danny’s “apprentice,” learning to mix the Healer’s art with medical technology as he’d done from a similar age.

Danae and her siblings listened to Danny’s stories of his years as a Jedi apprentice and master. Tales that seemed like legends, with larger than life heroes and heroines who fought good fights, stayed the course, and were friends at first sight. But Danae heard other, grimmer stories of the Clone Wars and Danny’s years as a fugitive, as well as her grandfather’s doubts and disagreements with the last Jedi Council.

Danny told her that–fond as he was of Yoda–he holds the Councilors partly to blame for the fall of the Republic and the Order. They weren’t just arrogant; they made decisions which had historically always ended in tears for the Jedi: turning themselves and their Knights into warleaders, while mostly ignoring the Sith revival. This is the main reason Danny isn’t involved with Master Skywalker’s Praexium, and as far as Danae knows, her grandfather has had little if any contact with the younger master. Danny wouldn’t try to argue her out of visiting or joining, however; he well understands that a true Jedi Knight follows the promptings of the Force.

Now, it is time for her to finish the journey she has started towards Jedi Knighthood, by trying her wings and connection to the Force in the larger galaxy. What will she do? Like Danny, the Force will surely lead her to worlds threatened with epidemics or natural disasters–or those still recovering from the Empire’s ravages. Perhaps she will decide to serve the Republic as her parents do, or join with other young beings seeking their place. She might even join Skywalker and his students, although not without a lot of meditation, since Danae doesn’t want to upset or disappoint her beloved mentor.

Design & Play Notes: Danae was created for campaigns set during The Force Awakens/The Last Jedi timeframe or a few years before TFA. With alterations to her backstory, she can be used in Rebellion Era or (Legends) New Jedi Order campaigns, or stats alone are suitable for a Healer of any era with an active Jedi Order.

As she gains XP, she will probably continue in the Healer spec, gaining FR 2 before purchasing much in the way of Heal/Harm upgrades. (More suggestions for advancing a Healer PC are here.) Sense and possibly Influence are other Force powers to consider.

Since Danae does have a master, Heal/Harm cost her only 10XP. For the same reason I opted to give her a training lightsaber and a human bonus rank in Lightsaber skill. Once she reaches Knight level, talk to your GM about how she can get a basic lightsaber or a crystal for her training lightsaber.

Finally, yes, Danae’s grandfather is Dr. Danny Solys, the NPC I introduced you to some time ago, now, having outlived the Empire, resuming his original surname, if not his old title.

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at