Astral Projections – Dog-Bears and Bear-Dogs! Oh my! (Mutants & Masterminds 3e)

The Bear-Dog A. ingens

As mentioned previously, The Xenobiologist and The Doctor recently spent time in the very distant past, specifically the Miocene epoch, where we encountered Bear-Dogs and Dog-Bears. At that time, I presented Genesys stats for both creatures.

The Roaring Earth website describes the Bear-Dogs as “dog-like animals that behaved a bit like bears” and Dog-Bears as, “…the complete opposite: bear-like animals that behaved a bit like dogs.”
Some species of both these (not closely-related) Families are ginormous. Others are only the size of foxes or chihuahuas, however. It’s probably only the 1,000lb/600kg species that are a threat to PCs adventuring in the past or on other worlds. Like the Bear-Dog Amphicyon ingens, (pictured above) a half-ton creature larger than a polar bear. The largest of the Dog-Bears, the genus Hemicyon (pictured below) was more grizzly-sized, as well as a hypercarnivore (diet of over 70% meat), not an omnivore like modern bears.

Dog-bear, depicted in Smithsonian mural

Design & Play Notes: For those as interested in all the biology details as I am: Bear-Dogs are part of the Family Amphicyonidae and Dog-Bears are usually (because, yes, even biologists argue sometimes) placed in the Sub-family Hemicyoninae of the Family Ursidae (along with the modern bears). Inspired by the Roaring Earth quote above, these stats are based off the Bear and Wolf stats from the M&M 3e Gamemasters Guide.

But don’t worry! Both the Amphicyonidae and Hemicyoninae have been extinct on Earth for millions of years. But what if, you ask, there’s a Time-Travel or a Jurassic Park type plot? Or this arc finds the superteam trapped in a “lost prehistoric island/enclave/valley?” Or the GM of your Cosmic M&M campaign loves these stats? Okay, now you may feel free to worry all you want to! Or, you can look on the bright side – one of these might be the Super Pet of your PC’s dreams.

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at