Astral Projections – Drongar Gazeteer


Astrogation Data: Drongar System, Outer Rim Territories
Orbital Metrics: 300 days per year / 23+ hours per day
Government: CIS and Grand Army of the Republic occupying forces during Clone Wars
Population: No permanent sentient population
Languages: None
Terrain: Rainforests, swamp, fields. Tropical climate with 90% relative humidity and frequent storms
Major City: None
Areas of Interest: Bota fields of Tanlassa continent
Major Exports: Bota (CW Era only)
Major Imports: Raw materials, Food, Medical supplies, Electronics, Antifungals (CW Era only)
Trade Routes: None
Special Conditions: Fast mutating fungal lifeforms, including atmospheric spores

Backgound: The Drongar System is a single star system in the Outer Rim, discovered in 220 BBY. Its sun is on the hotter side for supporting habitable planets, hence the planet Drongar’s extreme tropical climate. Drongar has 2 moons and orbital and rotational speeds resulting in Year and day lengths close to standard.

Much of the land is covered with tropical jungles, whose varied “plantlife” is mostly fungi along with some primitive true plants (ferns, mosses, cycads, etc.). All the fungal species are noted for their frequent mass mutations. There are also various reptilian and insect species, including the edible land shrimp. The only important species of any sort is the fungus known as bota. Bota was a multiuse “miracle” drug coveted by both the Republic and CIS governments during the Clones Wars–until the species went through one of those mass mutation events that rendered it non-medicinal within months. At that time, both sides abandoned the planet. So far no one, not even desperate rebels or greedy scavengers, have returned to Drongar, as far as is known.

In addition to heat and humidity high enough to discomfort even species from other warm, tropical worlds, Drongar has frequent severe electrical storms on top of typical heavy rains and thunderstorms. The weather isn’t the only atmospheric threat. The fungal species aren’t limited to the ground, but produce “spores” that permeate all levels of the atmosphere. These spores, in addition to threatening beings’ respiratory systems, were corrosive to ship hull materials, particularly to seals. Like other Drongar fungi, these spores mass-mutated frequently, meaning decontamination chemicals have to be reformulated every few weeks.

Design & Play Notes: After writing up FFG Star Wars Bota stats, I realized it might be easier to use the included hooks, if GMs had a Drongar gazeteer. The information comes from the Legends novels MedStar I: Battle Surgeons and MedStar II: Jedi Healer, both of which are pretty good reads.

Should your campaign make a stop on Drongar, most of the effects of the fungi and spores, as well as the storms, on PCs and their ships can be handled narratively. My stats in that previous article include mechanics for bota treatment, if you decide bota–or another fungus–has re-mutated to another cure-all or the PCs come across carbon-frozen bota samples.

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at