Physiology: Duloks are a bipedal mammalian species related to the Ewoks. How close or distant a relationship is debated by xenobiologists (and is a question not going to be answered any time soon, since this isn’t a topic which will attract much in the way of grant credits). Duloks only live in the Forest Moon’s swamps, although they hunt all over the moon. They have long ears, and sharp, carnivore teeth. Eyes are red to white, and their fur coats are drab shades of green, gray, and brown. While sentient, they are neither cunning, nor very bright. Females are in general more clever and observant than the males.
Society: Duloks, like Ewoks, have a tribal hunter/gatherer society, with each tribe ruled by a “King.” Tribes are male-dominated, with females generally relegated to menial tasks. A number of females, however, have become successful scouts. Oddly, considering their treatment of outsiders and even other Duloks, males are very affectionate towards their wives and children. Duloks wear little, if any clothing, preferring to decorate their bodies with bone and feather accessories, as well as designs painted/burnt into their fur. Ewoks and Duloks regard each other as enemies–no surprise, since Ewok younglings are a popular Dulok dish.
Homeworld: Forest Moon of Endor
Languages: Ewokese, (simple) Basic
Life in the Galaxy: Duloks are not often found off Endor’s moon. Rarely, however, they find their way offworld, usually as unwitting stowaways on ships that crash and are then repaired. Imperials have been known to capture Duloks for slave labor, much as they do with many other species, but this has mostly stopped. The Duloks make terrible slaves, so are more likely now to be killed as useless. Once in a great while, an exceptional Dulok (more clever and/or less hostile, etc.) may be taken on by a ship’s crew–or Rebel unit, due to mistreatment by the Imperials. Such Duloks are likely guards, soldiers or even scouts.
Perception of the Force: The Duloks are said to worship some sort of malevolent Night Spirit, which may or may not be a dark “Force ghost” or perhaps Force-witch. While each tribe has one or more shamans, it isn’t known whether they are Force-sensitive. (This is another unpopular research topic, due, again, to lack of grant credits–plus Imperial edicts.) What is known is that shamans lead various rites, often involving dance.
Brawn 3 Agility 3 Intellect 2 Cunning 1 Willpower 2 Presence 1
Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 100
Special Abilities
Duloks begin the game with 1 rank in either Melee or Survival. They still may not train the skill above rank 2 at character creation.
Swamp Dwellers – when making skill checks, Duloks may remove 1 Setback due to wet and humid conditions
Design & Play Notes: Duloks, PCs or NPCs, are ideal for one-shots and campaigns centered on Endor’s Forest Moon, as well as those on other swampy to wet-temperate planets. They are less useful in games with a lot of time spent on spaceships or in urban/modern environments. But they are not entirely useless there. For example, when you need beings who recognize the business end of a melee weapon. Or better yet, you need a big distraction.
I suggest GMs use Dulok NPCs for more lighthearted and humorous scenarios/campaigns. As PCs, the species isn’t a good choice for political or mystery type games, since they lack any degree of subtlety, caution, or–especially–smarts.
The write-up is inspired by the 1980s cartoon series. Of course, there is absolutely no connection–Zero!–between my latest playable species and today’s date. Total coincidence! Everyone knows I am just too straight-laced for April Foolishness and nonsense.