Astral Projections – Espirion and Alder-Espirion (Species) FFG Star Wars

© & TM Lucasfilm Ltd. 2015

Hybrids of various Star Wars species have been a staple of the franchise for years. The first Canon hybrid, the dancer Rhystáll Sant, appeared in the 1997 Special Edition of Return of the Jedi, and earlier Legends/EU sources featured others. Only a few besides Rhystáll are currently Canon. Alder-Esperions are a Canon hybrid species appearing in the Marvel Comics graphic novel Princess Leia.

These stats are intended for Age of Rebellion games but can be used for the other SWRPG lines and The Force Awakens Beginner Box.


Physiology: Espirions, in spite of their “alien” appearance (slim builds, red skin, no body/head hair, and eyes with yellow irises and green sclerae), are Near-Humans, close enough to interbreed and have fertile offspring with Aldaraanian Humans. These Alder-Espirions have builds and features similar to full Humans, but with light red skin, pale blond/white hair, and eyes with yellow irises and green sclerae.

Society: Espirion society is very welcoming to those of other species, as permanent residents and citizens, not just tourists. In addition to the native Espirions, (Alderaanian) Humans, Bith, Rodians, and Talz call Espirion home–along with a sizeable population of mixed Alderaanian and Esperion heritage. The population is very egalitarian with all 6 species coexisting and occupying all levels of the society, including planetary leadership. Prejudice towards the Alder-Espirions is considered very offensive by the inhabitants, and is not tolerated. Interestingly, especially given its appeal to natives of Alderaan, this is a heavily militarized society.

Homeworld: Esperion, a planet that appears pale blue and pink from orbit, with vivid blue skies seen from the surface. It has a number of micro-ecologies that have been engineered over the centuries, permanent symbols of the natives’ hospitality to emigrants.

Languages: Basic, Bith, Espirion, Rodian, Talz

Life in the Galaxy: However its government and people felt about the Empire, the Imperial government viewed the planet as not meriting an Imperial presence. After 0 BBY, when the planet’s leaders negotiated with Leia’s envoys and then planetary forces helped them attack a Star Destroyer, this quickly changed. Alder-Espirions (and possibly locals of other species) probably began joining the Alliance, too. Given the culture’s militaristic side, many of them would be recruited for the Alliance’s military forces, probably as officers.

Brawn 1     Agility 2     Intellect 2     Cunning 2     Willpower 2     Presence 3

Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower

Starting Experience: 105

Special Abilities: Espirions and Alder-Espirions begin the game with one rank in (choose one) Gunnery, Knowledge: Warfare, or Leadership. They still may not train this skill above rank 2 during character creation.

Design & Play Notes: I choose to treat both full-blooded Espirions and hybrid Alder-Espirions as the same species, since Espirions and Humans are close enough genetically to produce fertile offspring, a very rare occurrence when species interbreed. They are especially suited for Soldier or Diplomat careers, given the bonus skill choices, but are not so specialized that they couldn’t work well in other careers
As depicted in Princess Leia, a display of prejudice against the Alder-Espirions is very offensive and can quickly disrupt or end negotiations. GMs should not hesitate to add 1 or more Setback dice to PCs’ social checks after this kind of faux pas. If the insult is particularly egregious in some way–e. g., showing disgust over an influential Alder-Esperion’s mixed heritage, as in the graphic novel–increasing the Difficulty or even Upgrading subsequent checks may be warranted. That is if the locals are willing to have anything more to do with the party at all.

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at