Astral Projections: Evorra, Force Adherent

© Disney/LucasFilm Ltd.

Design/Play Notes: This Knight Level PC is a little different from my usual character writeups, lacking a backstory, most notably. There are two reasons for this. First, this was originally simply a build exercise. I and some of my game group thought combining the Martial Artist spec (No Disintegrations) with the new Force Adherent universal spec (Dawn of Rebellion) would make a pretty powerful character. So I tried my hand at it, creating a warrior/monk type of Adherent, by picking talents mostly from the Martial Artist tree and the right side of the Force Adherent tree. (Talents on the left 2 columns are generally more scholarly.)

Second, I wanted the PC to be usable for any Force religion, not just a Guardian of the Whills–or a clone/homage to Chirrut. (Although I can understand the impulse, being a bit of a Chirrut fangirl myself.) This way, you can use any religion/Force tradition, either campaign-specific or from Canon or Legends/EU sources, and create a backstory that fits with that tradition.

Again, because I didn’t want to tie Evorra to a specific religion, I didn’t give her any equipment–but the 9,000 credits for Knight Level will go a long way. You can easily afford a Cortossis Staff or, if you are making a Guardian of the Whills, a Lightbow! For armor, I suggest the Concealing Robes or possibly, Padded Armor. Finally, I provide some possible Motivations, Obligations, and Duties, although others are certainly possible.

Human Bounty Hunter/Martial Artist, Force Adherent PC
Knight Level (+150xp)

Sample Motivations: Belief–The Cosmic Force (F&D), Belief–Religious Code (F&D), Ambition–Enlightenment (F&D), Oath–Homeland (Keeping the Peace), Quest–Redemption (AoR), Belief–Religion/Philosphy (AoR)

Sample Obligations: Fervor (Enter the Unknown), Bounty (EotE), Dutybound (EotE)

Sample Duties: Personnel (AoR), Support (AoR)

Brawn 4
Agility 3
Intellect 2
Cunning 2
Willpower 3
Presence 2

Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Deception 1*, Discipline 1, Coordination 1, Know (lore) 2, Know (xeno) 1*, Melee 3, Perception 1, Streetwise 1, Vigilance 1
*human bonus

Parry 2
Iron Body
Precision Strike (BH/MA 5xp)
Disciple of Lore
Push Aside
Extended Range
Grit 2 (5xp + 5xp)
Martial Grace
Unarmed Parry

Soak: 5      Defense (m/r): 0/0      Strain Threshold: 15      Wound Threshold: 15
Force Rating: 0

Equipment: 9,000 credits

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at