Astral Projections – FATEful Superheroes 3: Some M&M3e to FAE Conversions

I have donned cape and mask for a 3-part exploration of another dimension of superhero RPG rules, Fate Accelerated/FATE. In Part 1 and Part 2, I have reviewed two different takes on incorporating superpowers into the core rules, one from the publishers, Evil Hat and the other by (as far as I can determine) fans. In this final part, I give you some stats. Since I was already familiar with them, I chose to do Fate versions of Yule Queen and Dragonfly, previously presented with Mutants & Masterminds 3e stats as Lore Check features. As I usually do when converting stats, especially between very different systems, these are holistic conversions, that focus mostly on the spirits of the 2 character concepts. Some of the Aspects for both characters reflect things developed in play, such as Dragonfly’s “Search & Rescue–a Specialty” and Yule’s “Different Like Me.” 

Game System: Fate (Venture City Stories)
High concept: Legacy superheroine
Trouble: Who raided Team Dragonfly HQ? (Villain or corporation ordered an attack on Dragonfly and her aunt & mentor’s lab)
Other Aspects: That’s what heroes do!; Search & Rescue–a Specialty; Aerialist

Power: Dragonfly Battlesuit
Dragonfly Wing Pack – Use Athletics to Fly
Bio-electric blast – Use Shoot to blast with body’s augmented bio-electical fields
Suit Force-field +2 Armor Physical/+2 Armor Energy (Costs 2 Stunts)
Enhanced senses/sense Life Force +2 to Notice
Special Effects (Costs 1 Stunt): Extra Action, Extra Movement, Forced Movement, Inflict Condition
Drawback: Destabilized Nervous System
Collateral Damage: Inflict a Moderate Physical Consequence on a named NPC

Great (+4): Shoot
Good (+3): Athletics, Physique
Fair (+2): Fight, Notice, Resources
Average (+1): Engineering, Investigation, Stealth, Will


Game System: Fate (Venture City Stories)
High Concept: Lady of Winter Storms
Trouble: Epiphany Jones, Meet Justice
Other Aspects: Different Like Me (Yule helps minor Stormers, alien refugees and others to be accepted); Gift of Music; Maryn Loves Matt (Maryn’s relationship with Dr. Matt Burke, who knows she’s Yule Queen)

Power: Cold Controller
Fly on Wintry Winds – Use Athletics to Fly
Wrapped in Wintry Winds – Armor +2 Physical/+2 Energy (Costs 2 Stunts)
Ice Sculptress +2 Create for ice or snow structures
Icy Blast – Use Shoot to attack with Cold
Blinding Blizzard
Special Effects (Free): Inflict Condition, Area Attack
Drawback: Power Loss in Hot Environments
Collateral Damage: Can create a snowstorm about the size of a city block.

Great (+4): Shoot
Good (+3): Craft, Rapport
Fair (+2): Deceive, Resources, Will
Average (+1): Athletics, Physique, Scholarship, Stealth

Credit: Empty Bacta Tank for feedback and technical editing

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at