“Force Wizard” is my series on the Force powers in Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG lines. It is primarily aimed at new players/GMs, and more experienced players playing a Force-sensitive character for the first time. I will discuss using each power in play and suggest what upgrades to pick up, and when to buy them. (Be mindful–upgrades that require Force pips are useless if you can’t possibly roll enough pips.) I may also discuss how powers have been used/viewed in Canon and Legends/Expanded Universe sources. Today we look at Sense, found in the Edge of the Empire and Force & Destiny core books. (My good friend Empty Bacta Tank was kind enough to provide feedback on this Sense treatise. Thanks, EBT!)
The Sense power is in many ways the most basic power, your connection to the Force that surrounds and binds all life. Which is exactly what the basic power does–it allows you to sense life within Close range or sense a single being’s emotions, when Engaged. (No multiple activations in the entire tree!) Sense is one of the simpler Force powers. There are only 2 ways (and 2 separate paths on the tree) to use it. First, to sense living creatures or their thoughts and/or emotions (right tree branches). Second, in combat (left branch), to sense your opponent’s moves, augmenting your attack or defense.
The right Control gives you the ability to read thoughts, not just emotions, again at Engaged range. Be mindful, these are surface thoughts only. If Han isn’t recalling his last meeting with Greedo, right this moment, you won’t find out who shot first using the Sense Thought upgrade. Now, you (or another PC) could say or do something that might bring the desired information to the surface. But be prepared for your GM to call for social checks, in which case the 15 XP Influence upgrade that adds Success and/or Advantage will be useful, if you or another PC have it. Another possibility might be for 2 PCs who both have the Sense Surface Thoughts Control upgrade to speak telepathically, at least for a short exchange. This is definitely a GM call, in my opinion–but it won’t hurt to ask him.
The other upgrades on this side are several Ranges and Magnitudes, which have the standard effects, and they only apply to the base power and the right-hand Control upgrade. As always, don’t buy more Range and Magnitude upgrades than you can hope to activate. At Force Rating (FR) 1, skills or talents are better places to put your XP than buying multiple upgrades costing Force pips.
Another option is to spend 10XP to buy the first lefthand Control upgrade, which upgrades a single attack, per round, against you. This, like all the Control upgrades on this side, requires committing a Force die, which means that FR 1 PCs can’t use other Force powers/talents that cost Force pips/dice without uncommitting the die. I think it’s worth it, since the Control is an upgrade to the check, rarer and more valuable than increased difficulty or adding a Setback to your opponent’s pool. Since it’s defensive or evasive in nature, this is handy even for a PC that’s not primarily combat oriented. The Control at the very bottom upgrades your attack once per round!
Next, on this side are the single Duration and Strength upgrades, which only apply to the 2 left Control upgrades. Duration allows you to upgrade 2 checks per round, while Strength upgrades the check/s twice. These 4 upgrades are pretty powerful, so all are well worth buying, and tying up 1 Force die (since there’s no multiple activations), even at FR 1 or 2. The only other downside, is that you will use your first Action to activate the Control (or first 2 Actions if you want to activate both Controls, and have the Force dice to commit). If you have access to The Force Is My Ally talent (Sage and Seer specializations), you can activate both in the same round, one as an Action, the second as a Move–but only once per game session.
Later this month, I take a look at Foresee, the final power appearing in more than 1 core book. After that, I will cover powers only found in F&D, followed by sourcebook powers. May the Force Be With You Always!
Force Wizard Index (Book/s)
Alter (Unlimited Power)
Battle Meditation (F&D)
Bind (F&D, Rise of the Separatists)
Conjure (Unlimited Power)
Ebb/Flow (Disciples of Harmony)
Endure (Knights of Fate)
Enhance (AoR, F&D, Rise of the Separatists)
Farsight (Savage Spirits)
Foresee (AoR, F&D)
Heal/Harm (F&D)
Imbue (Disciples of Harmony)
Influence (EotE, F&D)
Jerserra’s Influence (Ghosts of Dathomir)
Manipulate (Endless Vigil)
Misdirect (F&D)
Move (AoR, EotE, F&D)
Protect / Unleash (F&D) – Part 1 (Intro & Protect) and Part 2 (Unleash)
Seek (F&D)
Sense (EotE, F&D)
Suppress (Keeping the Peace)
Warde’s Foresight (Chronicles of the Gatekeeper)