Astral Projections – Fully Operational for the Non-Engineer

Back in April, my colleague Chris Hunt reviewed Fully Operational. I love the book, but since I don’t usually play engineers I decided to give it a second read-through with an eye to how I might use it with other careers and PC types.

I have found that a number of Duties and Motivations (along with EotE Obligations) lend themselves to other careers and even lines, with only a little tweaking or thinking outside the box. This book offers several of both that can be borrowed for other concepts. Chemical/ Biological Analysis, Disaster Relief, and Rescue and Recovery/Evac can be used pretty much as is for Doctors and Medics. Rescue and Recovery/Evac is particularly apt for a Medic modeled on the US Air Force Parajumpers, such as Mik-Los Arnet. Disaster Relief, along with Civilian Outreach might appeal to Diplomat PCs–or even some types of Commanders. It is even a (less likely) possibility for some of the less legal EotE careers. Some criminals might find helping out the community is “good for business.” The Transportation Duty might work for the ground-based Ace specs like Driver and Beast Rider.

Most of the new Motivations are too specific to Engineer, I think, to work well with other careers. Lethality is an exception, particularly that second sentence, “They may also strive to make themselves as dangerous as possible through martial training and physical conditioning.” A lot of Soldiers would find this appealing, as well as the Bounty Hunter/Martial Artists. Even a rare Diplomat might take this Motivation, particularly one from a culture that emphasizes martial prowess. A Rigger might pick up the Aesthetics Motivation, to give that Signature Vehicle a really Fancy Paint Job. Colonist/Performers and certain Diplomat/Agitators might find Aesthetics motivates them. Finally, Efficiency is a motivation Quartermasters could get behind, to wring every last bit of usefulness out of the supplies they go to such effort to source and scrounge.

The new species are somewhat limited to various types of Engineer specs, unless you want to play against type, in my opinion. This is especially true of the Kaminoans. They are mostly suited to Scientists or maybe Doctors. However, there was mention in the old EU of a Kaminoan Jedi, so maybe it’s just me. The Bith and Skakoans are more versatile, although I was surprised that Bith don’t have a 3 Intellect, given their engineering and musical prowess. Speaking of music, you could make a Bith Performer. It is a good cover, as the sidebar accompanying the Bith writeup points out. I think Diplomat might work for a Skakoan PC, in spite of the species’ xenophobic tendencies. A Skakoan Diplomat would be focused on ensuring that their shunned homeworld and people have a better relationship with a new galactic government than with the Empire. Even if that relationship is being left alone without being still blamed for the Clone Wars.

Of course, the Gear chapter, “Tools for Freedom,” offers STUFF! for nearly any AoR or EotE spec. Of the two blasters, I feel the DH-17c Short Carbine has wider appeal, especially for the smaller species, but also for medium species, due to having 3 damage modes.The low damage in single-shot mode–four, less than some holdout blasters–is probably a deal-breaker for characters whose primary job is combat. But support characters should look into it, if they have a good DEX or pick up the Ranged (Heavy) skill. There is also a selection of grenades, including the CryoBan, which–among other uses–is handy if you don’t have an astromech with the onboard fire extinguisher. My vote for the best, or at least most useful item, for any PC, however, is the Alliance Engineer’s Helmet and Vest. It’s only Soak 1–but for 75 credits you get a rank of the Durable talent. Minus 10 to rolls on the Critical result table. I think that’s the best deal so far on inexpensive Armor.

There is other gear that I like simply because it sounds FUN. The “Breaker” Heavy Hydrospanner and Engineer’s Hammer each come with a mechanical bonus when used for their intended purpose. Plus full melee weapon stats, and pretty respectable ones at that. I liked the idea so much, I built a character around the concept. The Repulsor Pack, actually an armor attachment, is another fun device. However, I suspect a Combat Paraglider, like this one I converted from the D6 Star Wars RPG, might be better, safer, and easier to learn to fly. I also count the various Explosive Compounds and Devices as “Fun Stuff.” Seriously, when I read several Tom Clancy novels, I got a kick out of all the scenes with plastic explosives. It was so amazing! (Perhaps I should try playing a Saboteur or Sapper and get it out of my system?)

What Fully Operational goodies are you using with your non-engineers?

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at