Design & Play Notes: Years ago, my husband created and played this Andorian in the old Fasa Star Trek RPG. At his request, I re-wrote it for Star Trek Adventures. Like all of my STA characters presented in this space, Lt. Comm. th’Zynes is assigned to the U.S.S. Hadfield, but of course feel free to assign him to any ship in your campaign, in any Trek era. (Just don’t attract the notice of the Department of Temporal Investigations!) As usual, the Relationship Value is left open so you can create one specific to the campaign you are playing in. I also declined to fill in the details of his thrilling (horrific?) Career Events under Captain Kirk for the same reason.
While th’Zynes is cynical and grim, as well as very paranoid, if you are playing him for longer than a one-shot, I recommend toning down those aspects of the PC (at least for roleplay with other PCs). It takes extra care to play this type without causing friction. In my opinion, for a continuing game, it would be better to use him as a Supporting Character, and I have included those stats. (Creation and Advancement for Supporting Characters is covered in the STA core book, pp. 133-135.)
Species: Andorian
Gender: M
Age: 40s
Rank: Lt. Commander
Department: Security
Assignment: Chief of Security, U.S.S. Hadfield
Missing Antenna
Attributes Value
Control 10
Daring 10
Fitness 11
Insight 7
Presence 9
Reason 9
Disciplines Value
Command 2
Conn 4
Engineering 2
Medicine 2
Security 5
Science 1
Stress: 16
Damage Bonus: 5 Challenge
Determination: 1
⦁ Not dead yet! Living on a harsh world gave Gareb the inner strength to persevere.
⦁ My honor rests on a Strong Offense. Gareb doesn’t back down, which has both helped and harmed his career.
⦁ Paranoia is a Virtue. Gareb didn’t survive interesting missions on a ship with more than its share of them by not expecting & preparing for the worst.
⦁ Open. Relationship
⦁ Athletics
⦁ Espionage
⦁ Hand to Hand Combat
⦁ Phaser Rifles
⦁ Survival
⦁ Uniform Code of Justice
⦁ The Ushaan – see page 103
⦁ Dauntless – see page 136
⦁ Quick to action – see page 137
⦁ Veteran – see page 118
Phaser Type II (Ranged, 3 Challenge, Charge, Size 1H)
Ushaan-tor (Melee, 2 Challenge, Vicious 1, Size 1H)
Equipment: Communicator, Starfleet uniform
Lifepath Notes
Species – Andorian species Trait. +1 Daring, +1 Control, +1 Presence. Talent: The Ushaan
Environment – Frontier colony. Fitness +1. Security +1. Value: Not dead yet!
Upbringing – Accepted Starfleet upbringing. Control +2, Fitness +1. Security +1. Talent: Dauntless. Focus: HtH combat.
Academy – Ops track Security. Daring +2, Fitness +1. Security +2, Conn +1, Engineering +1. Focuses: Espionage, Phaser Rifles, Survival. Talent: Quick to action p137. Value: My honor rests on a Strong Offense.
Career Event #1 – Called out a superior. Capt. Kirk. Repeatedly. In vain.
Reason +1. Conn +1. Focus: Uniform Code of Justice.
Career Event #2 – Serious injury. Permanently lost an antenna. Kirk again.
Fitness +1. Medicine +1. Focus: Athletics. Trait: Missing an antenna.
Finishing Touches – Presence +1, Reason +1. Command +1, Conn +1. Value: open.
Gareb th’Zynes
(Supporting Character, first appearance)
Purpose: Experienced Security Officer
Rank: Lieutenant
Trait: Andorian
Attributes Value
Control 9
Daring 10
Fitness 9
Insight 7
Presence 8
Reason 8
Disciplines Value
Command 2
Conn 3
Engineering 2
Medicine 1
Security 4
Science 1
⦁ Athletics
⦁ Hand to Hand Combat
⦁ Uniform Code of Justice
Weapon: Phaser Type II (Ranged, 3 Challenge, Charge, Size 1H)
(May substitute Phaser Rifle, if appropriate for mission)
Equipment: Communicator, Starfleet uniform
Backstory: Gareb’s father, his paternal grandparents, and earlier ancestors were Starfleet officers. So was his mother’s eldest brother, who introduced her to his shipmate while on shore leave. All the Zynes had pretty ordinary careers, nothing spectacular, but service was expected, which suited Gareb just fine. The frontier world of Kelven 5, where his mother was sheriff, was, if anything, colder and harsher than the Andorian homeworld. She taught him the traditional art of The Ushaan.
So Gareb was happy when he was accepted to Starfleet Academy. The new cadet was not idealistic, but enthusiastic. His refusal to give in or back down, gained him a number of demerits, but one of his instructors steered him into the Security track, where these characteristics would be assets.
Assets Gareb needed badly over his first several tours of duty, for he was assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise, commanded by the legendary James T. Kirk. As legendary as Kirk himself, were the trials of being a Security Officer under him. But Gareb survived, where many of his fellows didn’t. Barely survived the run in with both Kirk and the dangerous situations the often-reckless captain dragged his crew into. Gareb has the scars to prove it, including the permanent loss of his left antenna. But Gareb’s rough early career make him an ideal Security Chief for any ship that expects trouble. Just don’t make him Morale Officer or insist he see the Ship’s Counselor. Nothing good can come of either.
Credits: Thanks to Empty Bacta Tank and Jon “Donovan Morningfire” Stevens for beta reading. Character concept by my husband, Mark Whitson.