Today your friendly neighborhood xenobiologist shares her notes on this reptilian species from the beloved Knights of the Old Republic games.
The gizka homeworld is unknown. Manaan is sometimes said to be the gizka’s planet of origin, but most experts think they orginated far out in the Unknown Regions and simply found Manaan to their liking. Depending upon one’s certain point of view, gizka are cute or pests. While the harmless creature’s antics are adorable, and some beings keep one as a pet, the problem is that they reproduce almost as fast as bacteria, if there is more than one. And there usually is.
Meaning your ship or base is soon overrun…And there’s very little you can do. There is one poison that works on them, but many people won’t want to resort to that. Or you might be able to find someone to take them off your hands. Beings interesting in building a menagerie/zoo are a possibility–if they don’t realize how fast the animals multiply. Some species consider them a food animal. (Trandoshans claim that many other meat entrees “taste like gizka,” in fact.) Your best bet, however, may be to hope the Force is with you so that you land on a planet the gizka like better than they do the party ship.
Design & Play Notes: Gizka are intended to be comic relief in Star Wars. This is how they are used in the KotOR games, and you should use them that way when you add them to a scenario. I decided gizka would be a great belated All Fools’ Day gift.
GIZKA [Minion]
Brawn 1
Agility 3
Intellect 1
Cunning 2
Willpower 1
Presence 2
Skills (Group only): Athletics, Perception
Talents: None
Outta Control (Gizka are immune to all but 1 specialized poison and there no other known means of population control)
Overpopulation (Gizka reproduce exponentially, in a matter of days)
Silhouette 0
Soak: 1 Defense (m/r): 0/0 Wound Threshold: 2
Force Rating: 0
Equipment: None