Astral Projections – Horta for FFG SW

© Paramount Pictures (Source: Memory Alpha wiki)

For New Years Day, I gift you with a crossover alien for your Star Wars campaign. (Sorry, Porgs are so popular they are on backorder, and not even distinguished Xenobiologists, like myself, can get even one, much less a flock.)

Your friendly neighborhood Xenobiologist presents her latest research paper, on a newly discovered species, the Horta. Yes, this mad xenobiologist is once more transporting species between realities or universes–but at least she tries not to disrupt ecologies too much.

HORTA [Rival]

Brawn 3
Agility 2
Intellect 2
Cunning 2
Presence 1
Willpower 2

Skills: Education 2, Perception 2

Non-verbal: Hortas lack any sort of vocal organs/structures and cannot speak. They can learn to understand Basic and even “write” simple Aurebesh phrases by etching rock or similar materials.
Silhouette 2
Silicone-based Lifeform: Medicine checks add 2 Setback
Tunneller: Hedges, walls, and other barriers not made of heavy/thick metals (or similar materials at GM discretion) are treated as normal terrain, not impassible terrain. Blast doors and other barriers of heavy/thick metal are treated as difficult terrain.

Soak: 5     Defense (m/r): 1/1      Wound Threshold (12+Brawn): 15
Force Rating: 0

Acid Secretions (Brawl, Damage 8, Critical 2, Engaged Range, Burn 2, Vicious 1)
Silicone Flesh (Defense 1, Soak 2)

Design & Play Notes: This is the Star Trek–TOS “monster” converted for use in your Star Wars adventures. The trained Education skill is intended to represent the Horta’s knowledge of local geology and some practical/instinctive engineering knowledge (they know how to cause or avoid a rockfall for example). GMs may choose to substitute or add Mechanics as a trained skill.

Horta can be used several ways in your Star Wars games. You can do a scenario similar to the “Devil in the Dark” ST episode, where miners or colonists have asked for help with a dangerous beast–or maybe some Hutt wants a new pet to replace their late, lamented rancor. (It couldn’t be any more difficult than taking and holding a few rancors, right?) They may already be a known species, at least in some parts of the galaxy. A small mining co-op on an Outer Rim world may have already made a deal with Hortas, as happened in the TV show. Or Imperials might be trying to exploit them as they have other species, possibly without realizing Hortas are sentient.

Communication will be as much a problem as in the Trek-verse, but a character with the Sense Force power can overcome that.

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at