Astral Projections – It’s 2021 At Last!

As I write this, 2020 is almost over, and 2021 will be a few days old when you read it. 2020 was a very strange, stressful year – which made this harder to write, in some ways. My hope and prayer is that this new year is much better for all of us, in every way.

Let’s deal with the Oliphaunt/Godzilla/Darth Vader standing in our virtual room. Because gaming is used as a de-stress and break from everyday life by many of us, I decided to stay away from things that might hint of COVID-19. Mostly that meant forgetting about 1 or 2 articles I had on my list (yes, I have an idea list) because I didn’t feel right about them under the circumstances and/or didn’t want to risk triggering someone.

So the only things related to COVID-19 I wrote were a few in the realm of Public Service Announcements. My only Etiquette & Protocol this year, Taking Your RPG Online, was advice for people/groups who had little to no experience with playing RPGs virtually, based on my years of playing and running such games. I hope it was, and is, helpful to people. The other were my pieces about Free RPG Day 2020 this summer (here and there)

Perusing The Astral Projections archive, it looks like I still did most of what I planned to do when I wrote 2020 Visions. Almost half my articles were stats of various sorts – PCs, NPCs, flora, fauna, gear – primarily for FFG and Saga Edition Star Wars, Mutants & Masterminds, and Genesys. The systems I know best. I am planning to stretch and try some systems I am slightly less familiar with, starting with D&D 5e. I have done some D&D this past year and earlier, mostly monsters. I’ve had fun writing stats for creatures and plants inspired by my favorite books and I will continue those. They aren’t exactly the same as in the source material and this is deliberate.

Don’t worry, I am not going to neglect my beloved Star Wars, either. I am eagerly awaiting the first releases, in a few weeks, of the new High Republic line of Star Wars novels and comic books. A whole new era to play in! I plan to enjoy the books and then give you all some PCs and NPCs written just for the High Republic Era. And maybe there will be some new beasts and species for us.

Many of my NPCs, especially flora and fauna, will have stats for more than one system. Developing stats for multiple systems is a good exercise. Among other things, I find it makes it easier for me to “switch gears” when it comes to changing systems in the games I play.

My long-running Force Wizard feature will return, with a new focus. Back in September, I finished up with the Force powers, a milestone I am proud of. After a break from the feature, I started giving the Force & Destiny Signature Abilities a similar treatment. You’ve already had a chance to read the two for the Consular career, Much To Learn and Unmatched Negotiation. In 2021, you’ll see Force Wizard about once per month.

Try Before You Buy is another feature you’ll see more of next year. Inexpensive/free supplements and modules don’t just introduce you to new games, they stretch the gaming budget. Plus, the modules are a blessing for gamemasters who don’t always have the time or mental bandwidth to do session prep from scratch.

This is all I have planned for right now. I am sure I will find new stuff to write about. Again, my best wishes for 2021 to be a much better, brighter year for you and yours. Zen hugs, Gamer Nation.

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at