Astral Projections – Lothal Imperials

Like many fans, I loved Star Wars Rebels from the start. And it has just gotten better, overall, in my opinion. So for the Gamer Nation’s Imperial Patriots Propaganda Week, I visit with some of Lothal’s Imperial leaders from that season. I seldom do “Iconics,” as the D20 SWRPGs called game stats for canon characters, since I am a big believer in the RPGs being about the PCs. However, these four can also be used as generic adversary stats for NPCs in similar positions–Imperial VIP functionary, military officer, pilot. 

(Human) Commandant, Lothal Academy for Young Imperials

Brawn 2
Agility 2
Intellect 2
Cunning 3
Presence 3
Willpower 2

Charm 1
Cool 0/-1 Setback
Coercion 2
Leadership 2/-1 Setback
Ranged (light) 1
Warfare 2

Adversary 1
Commanding Presence 1 (-1 Setback from Leadership and Cool checks)

Soak: 3     Defense (m/r): 0/0     Wound Threshold: 12
Force Rating: 0

Officer’s Sidearm: Blaster Pistol (Ranged [light], Damage 6, Crit 3, Medium range, Stun setting)
Imperial Uniform (Heavy clothing)
Encrypted Commlink
Code cylinders

Aresko might have been a reasonably effective Commandant if he only had to prepare teenaged Humans for military service or a Senior Academy and intimidate locals. But he was not up to the task of dealing with a competent Rebel cell, much less one that included Force-sensitives. Disloyalty, however, is not one of his faults.
The GM may have Aresko use the Squad rules from “Dead in the Water” (AoR GM kit module) when running encounters with small Imperial units, similar to those depicted in SW Rebels, Season One.
The stats can be used for any Academy Commandant, Garrison Commander, or the head of other bases or installations on any side.

(Human) Imperial Academy Officer

Brawn 3
Agility 2
Intellect 2
Cunning 2
Presence 2
Willpower 1

Athletics 0/+1 Boost
Brawl 2
Coercion 3
Pilot (planetary) 1
Ranged (light) 2
Resilience 1/+1 Boost

Adversary 1
Physical Training (+1 Boost to Athletics and Resilience checks)
Smooth Talker 1 (Spend a Triumph to gain +1 Success on Coercion checks)

Soak: 4     Defense (m/r): 0/0     Wound Threshold: 13
Force Rating: 0

Officer’s Sidearm: Blaster Pistol (Ranged [light], Damage 6, Crit 3, Medium range, Stun setting)
Imperial Uniform (Heavy clothing)
Encrypted Commlink
Code Cylinder

Like Commandant Aresko, Grint might have done an okay, even good, job if all he had to do was scare-straight young cadets and locals. The Taskmaster is well-suited to intimidation with his girth, height, and bullying personality. Anything requiring wits or awareness–not so much, to put it mildly. Like his superior, Aresko, Grint is a loyal Imperial officer.

maketh-tua-portraitMINISTER MAKETH TUA [Rival]
(Human) Lothal Government Official

Brawn 2
Agility 2
Intellect 3
Cunning 2
Presence 4
Willpower 3

Charm 3
Cool 1
Core Worlds 2
Education 2
Leadership 3
Negotiation 2
Outer Rim 1

Adversary 1
Kill With Kindness 2
Works Like a Charm

Soak: 3     Defense (m/r): 1/1     Wound Threshold: 12
Force Rating: 0

Encrypted Commlink
Code Cylinders
Diplomatic Authorization & other Imperial Credentials
Uniform (Diplomat’s Robes and Second Skin Armor)

Minister Tua is the competent aide de camp for Lothal’s Governor Price. She is patriotic and, unlike many Imperial bureaucrats, sincerely believes in the Empire and is trying to do good for Lothal’s citizenry. Once she sees the darker side of the regime, she seeks the aid of the Rebellion.

(Human) Famed TIE Ace

Brawn 2
Agility 4
Intellect 2
Cunning 3
Presence 2
Willpower 2

Gunnery 2
Pilot (space) 3

Adversary 2
Koiogran Turn
Skilled Jockey

Soak: 3    Defense (m/r): 1/1    Wound Threshold: 12    Strain Threshold: 12
Force Rating: 0

Blaster Pistol (Ranged [light], Damage 6, Crit 3, Medium Range, Stun setting)
Encrypted Commlink
TIE flight suit/helmet with sensory augmentation package
TIE/LN fighter

The Baron is a stereotypical ace in many ways–arrogant and overconfident. His noble rank almost certainly worsens those traits. He has quite a reputation as a heroic snubjock in Imperial circles. Whether it is deserved has yet to be seen. Clearly he has bad luck when planetside, however. Baron Rudor could become the rival for a PC ace, as described in Stay on Target. For this reason, I made him a Nemesis, although he can also be used as a Rival by removing the Strain Threshold.

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at