Sometime after Bo-Katan Kryze received the Darksaber in 1 BBY and presumably before the Battle of Endor in 4ABY, Palpatine’s Empire conducted the Great Purge against the Mandalorians, confiscating much of their beskar steel and scattering the few survivors. Those fortunate few huddled in small, far-flung enclaves, also called “Coverts,” where they maintained–and adapted–what traditions they could. Considering beskar was always the most valued treasure of the Mandalorians, it wasn’t surprising that those rare survivors who could work beskar and craft the signature suits of Mandalorian armor would become covert leaders. In addition to beskar-craft, Armorers also keep alive what lore and history they could, award signets to covert members, advise them, and make decisions for their covert. The welfare of their covert, and their traditions are the highest, if not the only, priority of an Armorer.
Brawn 4
Agility 3
Intellect 2
Cunning 2
Willpower 3
Presence 4
Soak: 6 Defense (m/r): 1/1 Strain Threshold: 13 Wound Threshold: 15
Force Rating: 0
Brawl 2
Cool 2
Knowledge (Lore) 1
Leadership 2
Mechanics 4
Melee 2
Vigilance 2
Adversary 2
Gearhead 1 (The Armorer removes 1 Setback from Mechanics checks. In addition, the credit cost to add mods to attachments decreases by 50%)
Nobody’s Fool 1 (The difficulty of any Charm, Coercion, and Deception checks attempted against the Armorer is upgraded once)
Ability: This Is the Way: The Armorer adds 2 Boost to opposed Charm, Coercion and Leadership checks made against Mandalorians and their allies.
Forge Hammer (Add 2 Boost to Mechanics checks to craft or repair Mandalorian Armor. Counts as the “right tool for the job” for metalcrafting. Weapon [Melee, Damage +3, Critical 4, Engaged range, Cumbersome 3, Disorient 1, Knockdown])
Forge Tongs (Counts as the “right tool for the job” for metalcrafting. Weapon [Melee, Damage +2, Critical 4, Engaged range, Cumbersome 3, Disorient 1])
Mandalorian Smith’s Armor (+1 Defense, +2 Soak, Encumbrance 4)
Design & Play Notes: Yes, I love-love-love (like most everyone else) The Child, aka Baby Yoda, from The Mandalorian. But I’m also an admirer of the enigmatic Armorer, played by Emily Swallow. A few quiet words from her and a bunch of tough Mandalorians shut up and stand down. She beats the stuffings out of a squad of Stormtroopers. This is one amazing woman.
You can use these adversary stats for either the TV show’s Armorer (if you and your group enjoy cameos by Canon Star Wars characters) or for any other Armorer NPC. The Armorer is intended for games set post-Return of the Jedi. If your game is set earlier, you can use this as the basis for a Mandalorian smith more appropriate to that timeframe, such as an armorer attached to one of the Clone Wars/Rebellion era Mandalorian clans or factions (e.g., Clan Kryze, Clan Wren, Deathwatch).
The stats for the Forge Hammer and Tongs were heavily (is that a pun?) influenced by the Engineer’s Hammer and “Breaker” Heavy Hydrospanner stats from the AoR engineer sourcebook, Fully Operational. Be mindful, that in both metalcrafting and combat, these can be dual-wielded. The Smith’s Armor is loosely based on the Heavy Battle Armor from Age of Rebellion core book, which lists Mandalorian Shocktrooper Armor as an example. I dropped the Encumbrance as The Armorer’s suit in The Mandalorian appears to be have less metal than suits worn by Din Djarin, Paz Vizla, and other members of The Tribe covert.