Mik-Los Arnet, Human Soldier/Medic

Game: Star Wars: Age of Rebellion
Duty: Personnel
Motivation: Specific Connection–No One. (See Backstory)
Brawn 3 Agility 2 Intellect 4 Cunning 2 Presence 2 Willpower 2
Athletics 2
Knowledge: Xenology 1
Leadership 1
Medicine 3
Melee 1
Pilot (planetary) 2
Ranged (light) 2
Resilience 1
Stealth 2
Survival 2
Vigilance 1
Surgeon 2
Grit 1
Stimpack Specialist 2
Well-rounded (Pilot [planetary], Stealth)
Toughness 1
Bacta Specialist 1
Soak: 5 Defense: 0 / 0 Wound Threshold: 15 Strain Threshold: 13
Force Rating: 0
Equipment: Heavy Blaster Pistol (Ranged [light], Damage 7, Critical 3, Medium range, Stun Setting), Combat Knife (Melee, Damage +1, Critical 3, Engaged range), Padded Armor (+2 Soak), Thermal cloak, Crash survival kit, 5 Stimpacks, Medpac (replaces basic medpac in Crash survival kit), Modified R-19 Paraglider
Backstory: Per Imperial propaganda, Base Delta Zero is the liberation of worlds, but Mik-Los “Mik” Arnet knows that it is the exact opposite, or worse–wiping out a planet’s population and resources. It happened to his homeworld.
Avontaal was an agriculture and light manufacturing world in a less-traveled part of The Colonies, decent, if a little cold. Its relative isolation and large stretches of unpopulated land made it a good place for Rebel activity, so the Imperial governor believed, and there were some Rebel ops. And it is possible that Mik’s parents and older cousins may have been involved; they were arrested shortly after sending 16 year old Mik, his brothers, and the youngest cousins on an extended visit to their grandparents on the other side of The Colonies. (Something Mik didn’t know for a long time.) Whether his late grandparents were unable or unwilling to help their grown kids, Mik doesn’t know. He believes it could have gone either way.
It doesn’t matter now. A few months later, as the official newsfeeds chronicled it, Avontaal became a hotbed of violent Rebel actions. While, of course, the initial Imperial response was measured, with due care for loyal Avontaal citizens, things escalated. Finally the Rebels were routed, so the newfeeds went, and the latest Base Delta Zero initiative was begun to restore all the damages the traitors did. None of his family on Avontaal survived, unless some of them were taken to prison planets.
Mik didn’t learn the newfeeds lied until he went to Brentaal for college a few years later. He got an education in reality on that restless world. He started attending “extra credit seminars” clandestinely organized by activist students, then a few protests. Eventually, he came to the attention of a Rebel recruiter looking for citizens who wanted to “make a large scale difference.” A few excerpts from an Alliance scoutship’s report on Avontaal sealed the deal for the now 18 year old.
Mik went through recruit training and performed well in a few actions. He was soon tapped for advanced search and rescue (SAR) training. He’s learned a lot: Handling paragliders and HALO; small unit tactics; gotten good at hand to hand combat; advanced field medic training from great 2-1Bs and surgeons. Now he is one of the elite SpecOps medics who are dropped into enemy territory to rescue downed fighter pilots and other operatives, those too injured to get themselves out. When possible, he and his unit are also sent on humanitarian missions, to build goodwill for the Alliance and, more importantly, help other beings oppressed by the Empire.
Design Notes: Mik is based on a D20 Star Wars PC I enjoyed playing years ago. My GM was playtesting his homebrew prestige classes based on real-world military specialties, including an airborne prestige class. Mik was inspired by the US Air Force pararescue troopers, Special Operations personnel tasked with rescue, often behind enemy lines, of American and allied personnel. Sometimes called “parajumpers,” they are trained in many other skills besides jumps and medical treatment, such as small unit tactics, weapons, combat diving, and vehicles.
This is a +150XP “Knight Level” PC. Mik’s Human bonus and Well-rounded skills (Piloting [planetary], Leadership, and Stealth) represent his non-trauma military training. I also assumed that there are conventions of warfare, very similar to the Geneva Conventions, in the Galaxy Far, Far Away. Under my assumed Galactic Conventions, medics may only use weapons in defense of them or their patients, and only certain types of weapons. Thus Mik only has a knife and heavy blaster.
The modified R-19 Paraglider (or other vehicles) listed in his equipment is issued to him as appropriate for missions. It is my conversion from WEG SWRPG.
Credit: Thanks to Nikki Ackerman, Army reservist and medic, who explained how the Geneva Conventions apply to military medics to me.