Astral Projections – Naysaa Mirz, Protector

Naysaa Mirz Copyright Linda Whitson 5/2016
Naysaa Mirz
Copyright Linda Whitson 5/2016

Game: Star Wars Force & Destiny

Species: Mirialan
Career/spec: Guardian/Protector
Weakness–Reckless. Grew up with Corellians–any more questions?
Motivation: Faith–Family & Friends. As her parents’ employers helped her & her brothers, she tries to help them–and others who have suffered.
Brawn 2
Agility 3
Intellect 3
Cunning 2
Presence 2
Willpower 2

Cool 2
Discipline 2
Medicine 1
Resilience 1
Ranged (light) 1
Vigilance 1

Bodyguard 1
Grit 1
Toughened 1
Physician 1
Stimpack Specialization 1
Force Protection 1

Soak: 3     Defense: 0/0     Wound Threshold: 13     Strain Threshold: 12
Force Rating: 1

Blaster pistol (Damage 6, Critical 3, Medium range, Stun Setting)
Extra reload
Physician’s kit
Stimpacks x4
Concealing Robes
Utility Belt
Glow Rod
Comlink (handheld)

Backstory: As recounted in the Mirz Brothers write-up, Naysaa was raised by her late parents’ Corellian employers, the Nebulas, and trained as a medtech. By this time, her older brothers, Hark and Keev, had established their small shipping/passenger business with Nala’di, the YT-2000 the Nebulas gave them.

When Naysaa completed her medical training, Hark and Keev persuaded her to fly on Nala’di with them for a while, to “see the galaxy,” as a graduation gift. After a few months, they had a passenger, Gareth Win-Dell, a human about 35 or so years old. Gareth had taken passage with the Mirz brothers several times and they regarded him as a friend.

Gareth offered Naysaa a job as a nurse on the small colony he led and she decided to take it. Her brothers were glad she’d found such a good opportunity, and sent her off with their blessings.
But there was a lot Gareth and Naysaa didn’t tell the young men. Years ago, Gareth, under another name, had been a Jedi padawan fortunate enough to escape the slaughter. A few years ago, prompted by stirrings in the Force, he had started gathering other Force-sensitives, mostly young adults but a few children as well, at Feen’s Refuge and teaching them.

He had noted the Mirialan medtech’s strong Force-sensitivity after boarding the Mirz’s ship and approached Naysaa while her brothers were meeting with a client about a possible run. After several more private talks, she agreed to become his latest pupil. While training her, Gareth quickly realized she had some talent for Healing. Today, Naysaa, along with some of the other adult students, often run errands to other worlds for Gareth, usually looking for old Jedi information or relics as well as other Force-sensitives, to offer them a safe place.

Design Notes: Naysaa was my first F&D PC, right after the beta book was released. Jon “Donovan Morningfire” Stevens was the GM and Gareth and Feen’s Refuge were his creations. She could certainly be statted as a Consular/Healer, and in fact originally I added the Healer spec with some of my earliest XP. However, Jon allowed me to rewrite the PC and use those points for other things. I did this partly because I didn’t like the orginal Healer tree
and partly because I wanted a slighly more combat-capable character.

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at