Astral Projections – Nightfall for Mutants & Masterminds 3e

© 2019 Linda Whitson
© 7/2019 Linda Whitson

Concept: Darkness Powers      Power Level: 10 (150pp)

Defenses: Dodge +9, Parry +9, Toughness +10, Fortitude +8, Willpower +8

Abilities: STR 1; STA 2; AGI 4; DEX 3; FIG 4; INT 1; AWE 2; PRE 0

Advantages: Close Attack 4, Improved Initiative 2, Luck 2, Second Chance: Falling

Skills: Acrobatics 10 (+14), Athletics 4 (+5), Expertise: Myths & Legends 4 (+5), Expertise: Pop Culture 4 (+5), Expertise: Stage Magic 2 (+3), Inisght 4 (+6), Perception 4 (+6), Ranged Combat: Darkforce Blast 2 (+6), Sleight of Hand 2 (+5), Stealth 6 (+10)

I Pwn the Dark: Dark Aura (Protection 8; linked to Reaction Damage 4 [being touched]), Darkvision (Senses 2), Feature 2 (Shadow Puppets, Voice of Darkness), Immunity 1 (Own Powers)

Dark Forces (Array)
Shadow Form: Concealment (Visual [limited to darkness & shadows]), Immunity 10 [Life Support], Insubstantial 3, Movement [Slithering, Wall-crawling]
Darkforce Blast: Ranged Damage 10
Shadow Bindings: Ranged Affliction 10, Resisted by Dodge/Overcome by Will, Extra Condition, Limited Degree. Hindered & Vulnerable, Defenseless & Immobilized
Step Into Darkness: Teleport 10, Easy, Extended, Turnabout

Motivation–Responsibility: There’s a lot of young (& not-so-young) people who think Dark = Very Kewl. Kent knows better, but it’s the tool he has to protect himself & others.
Phobia–Dark: Because he knows way too much about what other things use Darkness & Shadows. Fear is also why Kent has no immunity to dark powers besides his own.
Quirk–I wish it WAS all fun & games: To defy and deny his fears, Kent wears bright clothes (except for his costume), silly tees, makes jokes, & is the Life of the Party and Class Clown
Weakeness–Light: Takes additional degree/s of effect from Light-based Damage & Afflictions

Equipment: Minor personal items

Abilities 34 + Defenses 22 + Advantages 9 + Skills (Ranks) 22 + Powers 63 = 150

Backstory: Kent Miles was just another middle school boy, until events out of his hands–and his dimension–changed all that. Towards the very end of Eldritch’s tenure as Master Mage, Una of the Netherworld and her forces invaded Earth-Prime. Rulers of of other dark dimensions followed suit–rivals seeking to seize parts of this dimension for their own, in the chaos. Who these rivals are, for the most part isn’t something Earth-Prime’s remaining powerful mages are telling. If they even know…

One of Una’s counterparts sent her strongest, most loyal commanders to Earth-Prime, to harvest life-energies for her realm. These Dark Commanders and their minions attacked many ordinary people. Eventually, superteams and solo superheroes allied to push them back. Or maybe they were withdrawn…Either way, many people were killed by them, and surviving victims were left dangerously weak or even comatose, needing medical care to recover.

The exception was Kent Miles. He recovered faster than most of those victims. The doctors specializing in metahuman medicine told him and his family that he had some immunity to the energies he’d been exposed to in the attack, luckily. The doctors were, wrong–those dark forces had infused Kent, changing him so that he could control them, not be consumed by them. (To be continued…by you!)

Design & Play Notes: One of my gaming friends, when I showed him this character, seemed pleased–and maybe slightly surprised–that I designed a “dark force manipulator, “a la Marvel Universe.” But I wanted to do something different from my usual–and different from the usual grim and/or angsty Dark-user. And of course, Nightfall’s name is in honor of both Clark Kent and Miles Morales, both teen heroes that I love. Backstory was inspired by events in my gaming group’s Emerald City Knights campaign, that was inspired (I think) by a canon event in Freedom City 3e. (Although I mention neither city in his backstory.) As a teen hero, Nightfall can be used in standard M&M campaigns as well as Hero High ones. In the latter case, he may need to be dropped to PL 8, depending on your GM. As always, rewrite and adapt stats and story whatever ways will make the character more fun, and more uniquely you.

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at