Design & Play Notes: This is one I did just for fun, so don’t expect it to be too optimized. While reading the gear section of Fully Operational, I was intrigued by the Heavy Hydrospanner and Engineer’s Hammer tools, complete with full weapons stats! I just had to try my hand at a PC that uses one of these as a primary weapon, as well as a signature tool of the trade.
Now, the stats themselves were not quite as fun, due to the lack of careers and specs suitable for a Squadron Crew Chief or Ship’s Engineer archetype that offer Melee as a class skill. (I wonder why?) I settled on the EotE Gadgeteer spec, which offers a nice selection of talents handy for working on vehicles or gear. It’s also only 20 XP to buy Martial Artist as a second spec, to gain access to Melee–and some talents that work with it, as well as Brawl.
I Included both an Obligation and a Duty as this PC could work in either EotE or AoR games. Norikka is built with the 90 starting XP, plus 50 earned, and an additional 10 from Obligation (or Duty). The short backstory was inspired by events in Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion. It is extra-vague to allow for either an Alliance crew/unit or a smuggler’s business to have taken Nori in.
Backstory: Nori, like many adolescents–and even younger–Wookiees, wasn’t spared by raiding slavers. She was part of a shipment of Wookiees and minor criminals being shipped to Kessel as mining labor. Fortunately, a ship’s crew raided the prison ship looking for other prisoners and freed everyone. Unfortunately, Nori’s closest kin didn’t survive that long, being killed in a failed escape attempt earlier. So the crew adopted her after she helped jury-rig their damaged engines for one last jump.
Nori is a coppery colored Wookiee, and noticeably smaller than most you see off Kashyyyk, since she is both female and not fully grown. (About 16 or 17 in human terms.) This leads many to underestimate her physical abilities, often a painful mistake. She had a knack for almost anything mechanical and loves working on ships–but will try her furry hands and her brain at any sort of engineering task, from modding weaponry to a bit of (very amateur) slicing.
NORIKKA (“Nori”)
Adolescent Wookiee Bounty Hunter/Gadgeteer
Obligation: Criminal — Without much guidance, Nori has probably gotten involved in some shady dealings in addition to the Imp legal(ish) doctrine that a free Wookiee IS a criminal.
Duty: Space Superiority — There’s NO Space Superiority without the best maintained & upgraded ships
Motivation: Rescue — Nori was rescued by a ship’s crew en route to Kessel’s spice mines
Brawn 4
Agility 2
Intellect 3
Cunning 2
Willpower 2
Presence 2
Rages When Wounded: When she has suffered any wounds, she deals +1 damage to Brawl and Melee attacks. When Critically Injured, she instead deals +2 damage to Brawl and Melee attacks.
Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Coercion 1, Mechanics 3, Melee 1, Piloting (Planetary) 1, Piloting (Space) 1
Braced (EotE)
Toughened (+2 Wound Threshold, included)
Defensive Stance (EoTE)
Jury Rigged(EotE)
Soak: 4 Defense (m/r): 0/0 Strain Threshold: 10 Wound Threshold: 20
Force Rating: 0
Equipment: Custom Tool Kit (Stay on Target, p.45), Breaker Heavy Hydrospanner (Melee, Damage +2, Critical 4, Engaged range, Cumbersome 3, Disorient 1, Inaccurate 1, +1 Advantage to all Mechanics checks. [Fully Operational, p. 47]), A/KT Tracker Utility Vest (Enter the Unknown, p.45), Utility Belt, Data Spike (Special Modifications, p.51), Stimpack x2, 375 credits
Great stuff thanks Linda!