The Xenobiologist has been in a weird mood lately and so has been studying gross, slimy dungeon creatures, some with dangerous chemical physiologies. Finally, she’s completed her project, adding the Ochre Jelly to her collection.
Seasoned adventurers – and xenobiology sages! – warn that Ochre Jellies display a bit more cunning, and possibly a very, very rudimentary intellect. It’s not much – just enough that they keep their distance when following prey and avoid large prey/enemy groups.

Non-sapient Fantasy Monster
Brawn 3
Agility 2
Intellect 1
Cunning 2
Willpower 1
Presence 1
Athletics 3
Brawl 2
Perception 2
Amorphous: Can move through openings as small as 1″ and immune to acid, cold, electricity/lightning, and slashing attacks.
Divide & Conquer: The Ochre Jelly may be split into 2 Ochre Jellies, each with a Wound Threshold of 5, by spending 4 Threat or 1 Despair from an opponent’s attack.
Flesh Dissolver: A character who touches, or makes an unarmed/melee attack against, an Ochre Jelly takes 4 Wounds. No other substances, including bone, take damage from contact.
Limited Senses: Perceives out to Medium range via unusual senses.
Silhouette 3
Spider Climb: Easy Athletics check to climb, walls, other vertical surfaces, and ceilings.
Soak: 4 Defense (m/r): 0/0 Wound Threshold: 10
Equipment: Jelly Body (Soak +1); Pseudopod (Brawl, Damage [per Acid Rating 4, Genesys p. 111), Short range, Critical 3)
Design & Play Notes: Note that Divide & Conquer, an ability shared by my Genesys Black Pudding doesn’t limit the type of damage that can result in two Jellies. Spending narrative results seems better suited to the spirit of Genesys, in my opinion.
The pseudopod damage is based on “Fire, Acid, and Corrosive Atmospheres” (Genesys, pp. 111-112) only, since Genesys mechanics don’t distinguish between damages types the same way D&D 5e mechanics do.
Ranks in Athletics is intended to represent its climbing ability.