‘Tis another sleety, neon-tinged December in Night City. And your crew has the chance to make some preem Eddies, while spreading some joy – the unintended side effect of some corpo scions’ greed. (Slain appears courtesy of my fellow play-by-post GM Personaminor.)
Slain is a Fixer who specializes in guns, ammo, and other weapons. Oddly, he is a very devout man with his own unique theology and has a soft spot for little kids. Visitors to his warehouse will find any number of children running around underfoot playing games.
It’s mid-December, and Slain has contacted the crew with a job offer paying 1,000EB each. “Ebenezer’s Limited has a shipment coming into its warehouse tomorrow evening. All the latest toys and games for them Beaverville and Exec Zone Missies and Masterses. My clients want ’em rerouted. Git the goods and take them to The Storefront at corner of Silver and Bells. And you’re done. Easy few hours work for good Eddies. ‘Cepting for them Bozos hangin’ aboot.”
The clients arranging the holiday largesse for some of Night City’s least fortunate children are Timothy and Bobbi Ebenezer, the son and daughter of Ebenezer Limited’s CEO S. R. G. Ebenezer. Their motive isn’t charity but giving themselves a generous gift – control of the toy company. They have been undermining Daddy Dearest for quite some time and are certain that the theft will finally achieve their goal of getting him forced into retirement. Timothy and Bobbi are cool with Slain’s plan for the stolen goods since, once in control of Ebenezer Limited, they can double dip – claim the insurance payout plus a tax credit for charitable donations. (In addition to the fancy toys in the screamsheet below, feel free to add in timeless classic toys, and perhaps the basic versions of the titular wheels in Spinning Your Wheels Cyberpunk RED DLC.) The one-story warehouse’s security consists of drones shaped like remote control gyrocopter and zeppelin models, with a NET Architecture. The Imp controlling the drones appears to be a classic Nutcracker toy soldier. Other themed Virtuality icons and avatars are described in the NET Architectures.
Silver Lane and Bells Street is south of The Glen and the area used to be considered (barely) part of that district until flooding overwhelmed the drainage system a few years ago. Those who could afford to moved out and things just went downhill as it sunk, so to speak, into the Combat Zones. A handful of small business people and holdout residents – those who couldn’t or wouldn’t move – haven’t given up. The Storefront is a charity school and clinic serving families in the southern Combat Zone areas.
Recently a small group of Bozos has been harassing the locals and blockading deliveries or sometimes confiscating them. The crew will encounter an equal number of Bozos a few blocks from The Storefront. The players can fight, sneak, or set up a distraction to get past the deadly clowns and deliver the toys.
Use the Bozo mooks from Tales of the Red, p.16. Give them several assorted grenades. (Smoke grenades will produce rainbow swirled smoke and flashbangs a deafening cartoony car horn HONK!!!!) Harden the Bozos if necessary. If the crew kills these Bozos, the remaining handful will leave the area, and a week after the great toy heist Slain will contact the crew. Locals and a couple of ripperdocs who work with the clinic have come up with an additional 250 EBs per Edgerunner as a bonus for running the cyberpsychotic clowns off!
Art: An Edgerunner’s drone takes a photo of their hanging Christmas tree. © 2022 Linda Whitson
Disclaimer: “Operation Cyber[punk] Claus” is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.