Design & Play Notes: Below are Star Wars Sage Edition stats for this character I originally wrote up for Edge of the Empire. Like my previous conversions, this is holistic, not direct. It was not an easy concept to recreate in SWSE, partly because there are no cross-class skills in SWSE, unlike other versions of D20 SW. Thus, I was limited to either the Noble or Soldier for a starting class, since Treat Injury is only available to those classes, and Jedi Consular, none of which was a great fit for the concept, in my opinion. I ended up starting with Noble–as the least of 3 evils–and then multiclassing into Scout. To advance, I would stick with Scout for a more fringe/outlaw flavor, or add more Noble levels to double as a face type character. Scoundrel is another possibility.
Backstory: Or’aack was a promising medical student on Dac, but he spent too much time at anti-Imperial activities (like a lot of students) to do his grades any good. He was warned more than once by professors and the Dean. His arrest at a protest (even though the charges were dropped for lack of evidence, due to corrupted computer files) was the last blade of kelp for the Dean, who expelled him. The Dean and his family also strongly suggested he quietly relocate offworld, before he got re-arrested or scooped up as a slave.
Or’aack, like many disgraced doctors and medtechs, ended up in the Outer Rim, where beings were too desperate for any sort of medical care to make a fuss about credentials. To make a few more credits (and to help more people, so he told himself) Or’aack studied up on cybernetic prosthetics and enhancements and began to make and install a few crude or pre-owned implants. Eventually he came to the attention of a crimelord who placed the illicit “surgeon” on retainer, but allowed him to continue his “charity” practice. So all was good for Or’aack, until his patron’s beloved consort got in a terrible speeder “accident” arranged by a rival. The patient’s body rejected the top-of-the-line replacements. While he survived, it would be months, if at all, before another attempt could be made. Worse, Or’aack’s patron blamed him, not her lover’s physiology, for the tragedy…
Mon Calamari Noble 1/Scout 2
Force Pts: 6 Dark Side Pts: 0 Destiny Points: 1*
*optional mechanic
Init: +7 Senses: Perception +2
Languages: Basic, Mon Cal, 7 open
DEFENSES: Reflex 17 (flatfooted 15) Fortitude 13 Will 17
HP: 31 Second Wind: 1 Damage Threshold: 13
Speed: 6 squares/ 4 squares Swimming
Melee: Unarmed +0, damage 3d4 – 1
Ranged: Blaster Pistol +3, Damage 3d6/Stun 2d6
Base Atk: +2 GRP: +2
Special Abilities: Breathe Underwater, Expert Swimmer, Low-light Vision
DEX 14
INT 17
WIS 15
CHA 12
Talents: Educated, Jury Rigger
Feats: Linguist, Weapon Proficiencies (Pistols, Simple), Cybernetic Surgery, Shake It Off, Skill Training (Endurance), Skill Focus (Treat Injury)
Skills: Deception +6, Endurance +4, Gather Information +6, Initiative +7, Knowledge (Galactic Lore, Medicine, Physical Science) +8, Treat Injury +13, Use Computer +8
Blaster Pistol (Damage 3d6, Stun 2d6, Rate: Single, Mass 1kg, Energy, Restricted)
Medical Kit
Surgical Kit
100 credits