Astral Projections – Seskyra Rebels 2: (FFG Star Wars)

Recently, I gave you a tour of the planet Seskyra. This is the second of three Rebel operatives who appeared in the shadows of the artwork and I will be introducing you to them over the next few weeks. These are not PCs from my Roke Squad campaign; these brand new PCs were inspired by the art, and are usable in any AoR (or TFA) campaign.

Design and Play Notes: As usual, I include both a starting (110 XP) version and one with a little experience (+30 earned XP), which I think is more fun to play and not overwhelming for a new player. I didn’t have any particular inspiration for this PC, beyond a bit of Marvel’s Black Widow–hence picking Coordination and Melee as two of her free trained skills, her Human bonus picks, plus Brawn 3. If you are really in love with the Black Widow Trope, buying into EotE’s Martial Artist Spec might be a possibility, but much less cost effective than picking up more ranks of Melee and 1 or 2 ranks of Brawl. Feel free to change her equipment to fit the mission profile and player preferences. Duty is -5/+1,000 credits.

Backstory: Arrancie Is a Correllian through and through–adventurous, independent, more than a little mercenary, and ready to go just about anywhere. For many years, however she was stuck dirtside when her “no good black-nerf” brother Taran used their small transport as sabacc stakes and lost. Then got arrested when he got drunk trying to imbibe enough “liquid courage” to–she thinks–try to steal it back from an Imp.
Arrancie, however, was no more a do-gooder than Taran. Shoplifting, pickpocketing, and small cons had been her game. A game she upped to include burglary and even grand theft as a freelancer. One of her clients was the leader of a Rebel cell, “commissioning” the Corellian girl to steal datapads and documents as well as valuables. Eventually, the Rebels offered Arrancie a way offworld–and out of reach of a couple local bounties–by helping them with jobs in other sectors. Again, like other Correllians, Arrancie is slowly coming to support the Rebel cause.

Female Human Spy/Infiltrator

Duty (-5): Placard Hunter (Just as some slicers relish getting into highly protected computer systems, Arrancie loves the challenge of physically penetrating heavily secured and guarded places.)
Motivation: Specific Belief – Crime (Arrancie was a thief and burglar when she was recruited, and may still get “itchy hands.”)

Brawn 3
Agility 3
Intellect 2
Cunning 3
Willpower 2
Presence 2

Skills: Athletics 1*, Computers 1, Coordination 1, Deception 2, Melee 1, Ranged (lt) 1*, Stealth 2
*Human Bonus

Grit 1 (Gain +1 Strain Threshold)
Dodge 1 (When targeted by a combat check, may perform a Dodge incidental to suffer a number of Strain no greater than ranks in Dodge, then upgrade the difficulty of the check by that number)

Soak: 4      Defense (m/r): 0/0      Strain Threshold: 13      Wound Threshold: 13
Force Rating: 0

Equipment: HL-27 Lt. Blaster Pistol (Ranged [lt], Damage 5, Medium range, Critical 3, Accurate 1 Stun Setting [Suns of Fortune]), Heavy clothing (+1 Soak), Comlink (handheld), 2 Stimpacks, Climbing Gear, Scanner Goggles.

Female Human Spy/Infiltrator

Duty (-5): Placard Hunter (Just as some slicers relish getting into highly protected computer systems, Arrancie loves the challenge of physically penetrating heavily secured and guarded places.)
Motivation: Specific Belief – Crime (Arrancie was a thief and burglar when she was recruited, and may still get “itchy hands.”)

Brawn 3
Agility 3
Intellect 2
Cunning 3
Willpower 2
Presence 2

Skills: Athletics 1*, Computers 1, Cool 1, Coordination 1, Deception 2, Melee 2, Ranged (lt) 1*, Skulduggery 1, Stealth 2, Streetwise 1
*Human Bonus

Grit 1 (Gain +1 Strain Threshold)
Dodge 1 (When targeted by a combat check, may perform a Dodge incidental to suffer a number of Strain no greater than ranks in Dodge, then upgrade the difficulty of the check by that number)
Frenzied Attack 1 (When making a Melee or Brawl attack suffer a number of Strain to upgrade the attack an equal number of times. The Strain suffered may not exceed ranks in Frenzied Attack)

Soak: 4      Defense (m/r): 0/0      Strain Threshold: 13      Wound Threshold: 13
Force Rating: 0

Equipment: HL-27 Lt. Blaster Pistol (Ranged [lt], Damage 5, Medium range, Critical 3, Accurate 1 Stun Setting [Suns of Fortune]), Heavy clothing (+1 Soak), Comlink (handheld), 2 Stimpacks, Climbing Gear, Scanner Goggles.

Credits: All artwork is © 2018 Terras Jadeonar and Linda Whitson. Thanks to Empty Bacta Tank for feedback.

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at