Astral Projections – Shashay Species for FFG Star Wars

Physiology: Shashay are 1.3-1.6m tall avians who strongly resemble the birds they are descended from. Shashay sport plush, bright plumage, clawed hands and feet and a beak. They cannot fly but are capable of gliding, using their vestigial wings, which are covered in feathers, which retract from elbow to wrist.
The species’ avian brains, evolved to move in 3 dimensions, now make them invaluable as natural astrogators, possibly surpassing the Duros species’ aptitude for this skill.
Due to the structure of their vocal chords, all Shashay are very good singers, whose songs are admired for their complexity and beauty.

Society: Shashay live in communities called Nests and are very loyal to their world, Nests, and species. The Nests and the world are ruled by the Nestmothers (matriarchs). Wary of endangering their world and people since days of the Old Republic, the Nestmothers have permitted few Shashay to leave Crytal Nest; most of these are discreet traders who visit nearby isolated planets.
A few years after the Republic fell, the galaxy learned of the Shashay, after a trader crashed on Kashyyyk. The amazing voice enchanted all who heard recordings. The Nestmothers now permit a very few performers to go offworld to earn credits and rare goods.
Whether trader or performer, Shashay permitted to travel off-world are charged to never reveal the coordinates of Crytal Nest, no matter what. The intensely loyal avians will die rather than reveal this secret–and several have died, at the hands of Imperials or crimelords.

Homeworld: Crytal Nest, unknown location. The coordinates exist only in the brains of Shashay astrogators and are not recorded anywhere, not even in the computers of the Bureau of Ships and Services. Non-Shashay are not permitted on or near the world.

Language: Shashay. Those Shashay permitted to leave Crytal Nest can understand Basic but cannot speak it.

Life in the Alliance: Due to the Nestmothers’ restrictions, Shashay are as rare in Alliance ranks as in the galaxy at large. Seeking any advantage over the Empire, Alliance leaders have been courting the Shashay Nestmothers, hoping to persuade them to allow Shashay astrogators to serve aboard Alliance vessels. In addition to the odd Shashay Ace, a Diplomat may be negotiating terms for hiring Shashay astrogators. Alternatively, a Shashay Quartermaster (trader) or Performer may have been rescued by a Rebel unit/cell, whose members are trying to return them safely–which might go a long way towards gaining the Nestmothers’ trust.


Brawn 1
Agility 2
Intellect 3
Cunning 2
Willpower 2
Presence 2

Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn      Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower       Starting XP: 90

Special Abilities: Shashay begin the game with 1 rank in Piloting (Space). They still may not train Piloting (Space) above rank 2 at character creation. They also start with 1 rank in the Galaxy Mapper talent.
Space Singer: Shashay may add 1 Advantage to Charm checks made in a social encounter in which they perform.
Gliding: Per the Flying sidebar (AoR, p. 214), except that Shashay must take off from a higher point and cannot hover, circle, or wheel in place.

Equipment: Claws or Beak (Melee, Damage +2, Critical 4, Engaged Range)

Design Notes: The Shashay first appeared in the WEG/D6 Star Wars module “The Abduction of Crying Dawn Singer.” WEG materials have been invaluable to many GMs for the 4 succeeding iterations of Star Wars RPG rulesets. This interest should continue since FFG last year re-released the WEG SW Core Books. Fortunately, used copies of WEG sourcebooks are still easy to find online and even sometimes at brick & mortar used bookstores. Publication information for “Crying Dawn Singer” is below in the Credits, if you’d like to track it down. It looks like a fun arc or mini-campaign for a party of Rebel PCs.

Credits: Illustrations, and the Shashay species, are from “The Abduction of Crying Dawn Singer,” in  Star Wars Classic Adventures, West End Games. ®, ™, and © 1995 Lucasfilm Ltd.

Thanks to Empty Bacta Tank for technical editing.

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at