Astral Projections – Shock Trooper for FFG Star Wars

© 2019 Disney/LucasFilm Ltd.

Shock Troopers are specially-trained soldiers who specialize in initial assaults, primarily by atmosphere or low orbit insertions, as suggested by the nickname “Droppers.” Depending on the mission, they may use combat paragliders (such as the modified R19), HALO gear, or low and high-tech planetary jump gear. Shock Troopers are also trained in hand-to-hand, blaster rifles, and gunnery. After the Galactic Civil War, the New Republic first tasked them with rooting out warlords–often former high-ranking Imperial officers who choose to go solo rather than follow their fellows into exile–and later with bodyguarding duties.


Brawn 4
Agility 3
Intellect 2
Cunning 2
Willpower 2
Presence 2

Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Gunnery 1, Piloting (Planetary) 1, Ranged (Heavy) 3

Talents: Adversary 1 (Upgrade all combat checks against this character once); Lethal Blows (Add +10 to any Critical Injury result inflicted on opponents)

Abilities: Dropper: Remove 2 Setback to checks made as part of jump/HALO/repulsor-glider entries.

Soak: 5 Defense (m/r): 1/1 Wound Threshold: 14
Force Rating: 0

Equipment: Heavy Blaster Rifle (Ranged [Heavy], Damage 10, Critical 3, Auto Fire, Cumbersome 3); Combat Knife (Melee, Damage +1, Critical 3); Drop Suit (Soak 1/Defense 1)

Design & Play Notes: Another Adversary from The Mandalorian Disney+ series. Like my Covert Armorer, the Shock Trooper is inspired by one of the strong female supporting characters, in this case Gina Carano’s Carasynthia Dune. Of course, Shock Trooper NPCs can be any gender or species associated with the Alliance or New Republic. Other military and paramilitary organizations probably include similar soldiers–Mandalorians of various Canon/Legends eras, the Grand Army of the Republic, Palpatine’s Empire, the First Order, or the Resistance for example.

For convenience, I used the base Heavy Blaster Rifle (AoR p. 176) and Combat Knife (AoR p. 181). I reskined Armored Clothing (AoR p. 184) as the Drop Suit, but Crash Gear (Endless Vigil, p. 43) or other armors and flight suits are also usable. Equip for your scenario. If you need paragliders for your Shock Troopers, check out my R19 Combat Paraglider stats.

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at