Although it doesn’t use the term, Star Trek Adventures (STA) does use the concept of a “troupe,” characters that are held in common by the players. Any given troupe character may be controlled by any player. STA calls them “Supporting Characters” (SCs) and they are created similar to Main Characters (the players’ respective PCs) but have fewer abilities, although they can gain more, when making a repeat appearance or spending a Main Character’s Milestone. STA recommends using SCs to fill out parties, when a player can’t make a session, or so a player will have something to do when their PC is not in the current scene/encounter.
This set and my upcoming sets are a variety of SCs your group can use in this way, made using the rules on pages 134-5 of the core book. The abilities followed by “–” are those an SC doesn’t start with. I also included a very short background just for fun. Set I is a Transporter Chief, a Ship’s Counselor, and a Yeoman. I am not including a security officer in either set. My writeup of Security Officer Gareb th’Zynes does include an SC version of his stats, however.
Supporting Character Set 1: Transporter Chief, Ship’s Counselor, and Yeoman
Supporting Character Set 3: Nurse, Comms Officer and Ship’s Captain
Species: Denobulon
Gender: F
Age: 25
Rank: Chief Specialist
Department: Engineering
Assignment: U.S.S. Hadfield
Description: Symmé is one of the rare Denobulons who likes offworld travel, and intends to get her fill before returning home to find a few spouses.
Attributes Value
Control 10
Daring 9
Fitness 9
Insight 8
Presence 8
Reason 10
Disciplines Value
Command 2
Conn 3
Engineering 4
Security 2
Science 1
Stress: 11
Determination: —
⦁ —
⦁ Composure
⦁ Physics
⦁ Transporters & Replicators
⦁ Technical Expertise
Communicator, Starfleet uniform
Konal Dulas
Species: Betazoid
Gender: M
Age: 40
Rank: Lieutenant
Department: Medical
Assignment: U.S.S. Hadfield
Description: Konal joined Starfleet in the middle of his career, wanting a mid-life change after a couple decades in academia.
Attributes Value
Control 9
Daring 7
Fitness 8
Insight 11
Presence 10
Reason 8
Disciplines Value
Command 2
Conn 2
Engineering 1
Medicine 4
Security 1
Science 3
Stress: 9
Determination: —
⦁ —
⦁ Anthropology
⦁ Linguistics
⦁ Psychology
⦁ Telepath
Communicator, Starfleet uniform
Antonio Barrios
Species: Human
Gender: M
Age: 21
Rank: Yeoman 2nd Class
Department: Conn
Assignment: U.S.S. Hadfield
Description: Tony hails from Ybor City, an historic area of Earth’s Florida Gulf Coast peninsula, where his Cuban-, Spanish-, & Italian-American ancestors have lived since the 19th century.
Attributes Value
Control 8
Daring 9
Fitness 10
Insight 8
Presence 9
Reason 10
Disciplines Value
Command 2
Conn 4
Engineering 2
Medicine 1
Security 3
Science 1
Stress: 13
Determination: —
⦁ —
⦁ Geology
⦁ Hand-to-Hand
⦁ Persuasion
⦁ Tough
Communicator, Starfleet uniform