Astral Projections – Supporting Characters for Star Trek Adventures Set 3

More supporting cast for your Star Trek Adventures. As always–mix, match, tweak as you will. Tor can be any sort of medical professional your crew needs–corpsman (switch Lieutenant for an enlisted rank), doctor, or even a medical researcher (with a few changes in Focuses or Talent). Meru can also work as Helm/Navigator or even a Tactical Officer (change Department to Security, Switch Conn and Security values, and possibly change Persuasion and/or Composure Focuses). Finally, Hans is intended for a game where the Captain isn’t a PC. Perhaps something like the new Star Trek: Discovery series, or the “Below Decks” episode of ST:TNG. Or maybe Hans just doesn’t make a habit of joining away teams.

Supporting Character Set 1: Transporter Chief, Ship’s Counselor, and Yeoman

Supporting Character Set 2: Scientist, Engineering Tech, and Shuttle Pilot

Nurse Torrence Kerr

Species: Human
Gender: M
Age: 27
Rank: Lieutenant
Department: Medicine
Assignment: U.S.S. Hadfield


Attributes Value
Control         9
Daring          8
Fitness          9
Insight        10
Presence       8
Reason        10

Disciplines Value
Command      2
Conn               1
Engineering  1
Medicine       4
Security         2
Science          3

Stress: 11

⦁ —

⦁ Emergency Medicine
⦁ Infectious Diseases
⦁ Survival

⦁ Field Medicine

Communicator, Medical Tricorder*, Medkit**, Starfleet uniform
*Description is under Tricorders on page 196
**Components and descriptions are found on page 197

Background: Torrence “Tor” Kerr is from a relatively new colony world.

Li Meru, Comm Officer

Species: Bajoran
Gender: F
Age: 22
Rank: Lieutenant junior grade
Department: Conn
Assignment: U.S.S. Hadfield


Attributes Value
Control         9
Daring         11
Fitness          8
Insight        10
Presence      9
Reason         7

Disciplines Value
Command      2
Conn               4
Engineering  2
Medicine        1
Security         3
Science          1

Stress: 11

⦁ —

⦁ Composure
⦁ Persuasion
⦁ Small Craft

⦁ Strong Pagh

Audio Receiver, Communicator, Starfleet uniform

Background: A veteran of the Resistance, who believes the Prophets led her to Starfleet.

Hans Yaeger, Ship’s Captain

Species: Human
Gender: M
Age: 42
Rank: Captain
Department: Command
Assignment: U.S.S. Hadfield


Attributes Value
Control          10
Daring             8
Fitness             8
Insight             9
Presence        10
Reason            9

Disciplines Value
Command      4
Conn               3
Engineering   1
Medicine        1
Security         2
Science          2

Stress: 10

⦁ —

⦁ Diplomacy
⦁ Evasive Action
⦁ Space Exploration History

⦁ Advisor

Communicator, Starfleet uniform

Background: Hans’ ancestors have been part of space exploration even before there was a Starfleet.

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Linda Whitson

Contributing Writer & Copy Editor at D20 Radio
Linda Whitson is a long-time RPGer, amateur musician & artist, & an officer in the Rebel Legion Star Wars costuming club. Linda met her husband in an AD&D game and they have 2 teenagers, an anime fangirl daughter and a son who plays on his university's quidditch team. She is the Lead Mod of D20 Radio's forums and Copy Editor for the blog. Linda can be reached at